College Recruiting Information

Information to assist you


Posted September 7,2018


Test Date Deadline Late Deadline Score Release*
Sept 8, 2018 Aug 3, 2018 Aug 17, 2018 Sept 18; Oct 2, 2018
Oct 27, 2018 Sept 21, 2018 Oct 5, 2018 Nov 6; Nov 20, 2018
Dec 8, 2018 Nov 2, 2018 Nov 16, 2018 Dec 18, 2018; Jan 1, 2019
Feb 9, 2019 Jan 4, 2019 Jan 18, 2019 Feb 19; Mar 5, 2019
Apr 13, 2019 Mar 8, 2019 Mar 22, 2019 Apr 23; May 7, 2019
June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 17, 2019 June 18; July 2, 2019
July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019 June 21, 2019 July 23; Aug 6, 2019



SAT Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline
August 25, 2018 July 27, 2018 August 15, 2018
October 6, 2018 September 7, 2018 September 26, 2018
November 3, 2018 October 5, 2018 October 24, 2018
December 1, 2018 November 2, 2018 November 20, 2018
March 9, 2019 February 8, 2019 February 27, 2019
May 4, 2019 April 5, 2019 April 24, 2019
June 1, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 22, 2019


Posted September 25, 2015



There are many recruiting misconceptions throughout the entire process.

In fact, this was the basis for NCSA founder Chris Krause to start our organization. As a high school football student-athlete, he fell for one of the most prominent misconceptions out there (still happening today): any mailing from schools means you’re being recruited.

At first glance it makes a lot of sense: a college coach found your name and address and is sending you information on their program. This has to mean he or she is interested, has seen you play, or wants you to check out their school. Right?

In all actuality, mail from schools means little-to-nothing at all.

And it can be a hard fact to face, because it feels really good to collect pamphlets and letters from all kinds of programs. But until there is personal contact with a coach – phone calls, emails, personalized, hand-written letters– the mailers are simply coming from a database of names.

Trust me when I tell you this misconception is so common.

Former University of Miami all-star linebacker and current NFL free agent Tyler Horn shared almost an identical account to Chris Krause on his own recruitment earlier this year. Horn was receiving tons of mail from colleges across the country, which he took as meaning the offers would be next. He knew he was a good football player, good enough to play in college, and a piece of mail from a school must mean the coach will be calling shortly after.

Well, exactly like Krause, Horn’s junior season came and went; his senior season came and went. No calls, no emails, no offers.

A panic began to set in.

Luckily for both Krause and Horn, they decided to get proactive and call coaches, send film, write letters and emails. They decided to have no regrets and not hang up their dream of playing at the next level without some answers.

And lucky for the rest of us, they decided to share their stories and knowledge so others could learn from their mistakes. That’s why we’re a team of over 500 strong today – committed to not letting another student-athlete fall through the cracks of the recruiting process.

Recruiting misconceptions stem from false expectations.

Putting junk mail aside, the first thing on a student-athlete’s checklist has to be getting a realistic idea of what NCAA division (DI, DII, DIII), NAIA or junior college their size and ability could help them achieve. While the dream for so many is to be a Division I athlete, the reality is Division I is where the smallest percentage of athletes – and smallest amount of scholarship money – lies.

Next, sit down and determine your current level of recruitment. And be honest. There are many ways to tackle either side of the spectrum. One way? Being clear on other common myths like our junk mail debunking above.

In one of the chapters of his first book, Athlete’s Wanted, our founder Chris Krause goes through the top five recruiting misconceptions, and the actual truth of the situation.

Take a look at the top 5 myths below.

Recruiting Misconception: The recruiting process begins when a coach contacts an athlete during their junior or senior year.

The reality is this: Due to the rise in athletic scholarship need and the increase of available information for college coaches, the recruiting process is now started earlier than ever. According to the NCAA, college coaches are starting to identify seventh and eighth graders as recruits and are even starting to offer scholarships to prospects before their freshman year.

Recruiting Misconception: College coaches discover talent junior or senior year at camps, combines, showcases, tournaments, and high school games.

The reality is this: College coaches depend on verified information from reliable sources, and they purchase lists of prospects as young as seventh grade. (Remember those mailers we were talking about?) Most coaches attend tournaments, games, and camps with lists of student-athletes they intend to evaluate, not with hopes of discovering random prospects.

Recruiting Misconception: College coaches initially evaluate talent by attending high school games and watching unsolicited videos sent from students and families.

The reality is this: College coaches do a majority of their initial evaluations by looking at videos requested or received from reliable sources and delivered online or digitally. After watching a video, a coach may decide to make an in-person evaluation.

Recruiting Misconception: NCAA Division I is the only option for collegiate athletic scholarships.

The reality is this: Over eighteen hundred colleges and universities sponsor collegiate athletes and are able to offer financial packages. Most opportunities fall outside of Division I programs.

Recruiting Misconception: A student-athlete’s high school or club coach is responsible for getting the athlete a scholarship.

The reality is this: The average high school coach has contact with fewer than five college coaches, most of whom are local. Student-athletes and families are ultimately responsible for connecting with college coaches.






Knowing what questions a college coach will ask

Inevitably, a college coach will ask you one important question during the recruitment process. It might happen during an official visit, an unofficial visit, or during one of the many conversations you should be having with college coaches if you want to earn an athletic scholarship.

That one question?

“What other colleges are you interested in?”

Knowing how to answer a coach’s questions

Here’s the wrong answer: Listing other colleges with worse athletic or academic programs.

This does nothing to raise your stock because it fails to tell the college coach that you are someone in contention for other scholarships.

Instead, always list universities that are comparable to or better than the coach’s university both academically and athletically. Coaches need to know that other programs are recruiting you, and that these other programs stack up. If you list a rival university, even better! The coach will be even more interested in recruiting you if it means that she or he gets to steal you from an arch-nemesis.

Of course, if the coach asks you to list your top three universities, always list that coach’s institution first. Coaches do not want to waste their time on a student who considers that school to be a back-up plan.

Phrasing your answer well

You can also think of strategic ways to answer the question so that the coach thinks these universities are highly interested in recruiting you.

Always be honest, but instead of saying something like “I’m looking at the following colleges,” you should say something like “I’m talking with the following colleges,” or “I’m in the process of setting up visits with the following colleges.”

This will likely trigger a stronger response and sense of urgency for the coach to evaluate you. After all, it sure sounds like you are a worthwhile recruit.

Understanding variations of the question

Be on the lookout for variations of the question “What other colleges are you interested in?”

College coaches want indicators that you are someone they should be looking at. A good indication that you should be taken seriously is if colleges that are comparable to or better than their own are considering recruiting you.

So coaches will ask a few questions to try to determine this information. These questions might include:

“What other colleges are you visiting?”
“Have you spoken with other college coaches?”
“What other universities are recruiting you?”
Found on NCSA Website

Posted September 13, 2014

Dan Tudor has worked with hundreds of college coaches in all sports. As President and Founder of Tudor Collegiate Strategies, Dan works with colleges around the country, teaching their coaches to recruit more effectively. As a result, he has had thousands of conversations with them about the recruiting process. I recently interviewed Dan to learn what college coaches are saying about the recruiting process. His answers can help you understand what you can be doing better to be more recruited.
CHARLIE ADAMS: Dan, What do college coaches tell you is the most frustrating part of the recruiting process from their perspective?
DAN TUDOR: Initially, they are frustrated that prospects (and their parents) aren’t more open to considering their school as an option. Many coaches have great things to offer, both from their program and at their college, and they really want the chance to tell talented athletes about what they have to offer. However, many college recruits are too narrowly focused – especially at the start of the process, when many kids think the only acceptable option is high level Division I athletics. My advice to college athletes is to show interest to many college coaches, and let them get the chance to show you what they can provide athletically and academically.
CHARLIE ADAMS: What are some other things college coaches tell you about recruiting, that could help families?
DAN TUDOR: The biggest obstacle for college coaches these days is communication with prospects. It’s happening earlier and earlier, yet there are significant limits on how and when a coach can contact a recruit. If a family is proactive and calls, emails or communicates through social media with a coach they are interested in – or a program that is trying to get in touch with them – they could really jump to the front of the line with that particular coach. DO NOT be a family that is hard to reach, or appears to be disinterested at the start of the process…it will kill the process before it gets started.
CHARLIE ADAMS: Where do you think the greatest lack of education is regarding families in recruiting?
DAN TUDOR: One of the biggest is that coaches will just “discover” an athlete. Certainly, that’s true for the top 1-2% of top level athletes, but the vast majority of recruits are brought in after they initially communicate with a coach. I think families are still under the impression that they should sit back and wait for a coach to come knocking, and the truth is that just doesn’t happen very often. It’s a huge misconception that really ruins some opportunities for good student-athletes.
The other aspect is just the lack of communication skills on the part of athletes and parents. More often than not, it’s a lack of communication on the recruit’s part that ends the recruiting process. It’s extremely competitive, so if you are a recruit who is scared of talking to a coach or hesitates in answering their email and expresses interest in what their college has to offer, be prepared to see scholarship and college playing opportunities dry up.
Dan Tudor, seen here working with college coaches
Dan Tudor, seen here working with college coaches
CHARLIE ADAMS: People assume college coaches know every prospect there is so they should wait to be contacted. That’s not necessarily so, right?
DAN TUDOR: Not at all. As i said earlier, waiting around for a coach to “discover” you is a horrible strategy…even if you’re All-Region and a varsity starter in their sport for four years, colleges outside your immediate area may not know about you. College coaches tell me all the time that they are most interested in the athletes that show interest in them and their program. It makes sense, right? We all want to be wanted, and college coaches are no different. Athletes that are proactive – whether that is registering for a resource like NCSA or picking up the telephone and calling a coach – are going to be the athletes that have the most opportunities.This is a competitive process, and coaches want to know who wants to compete for them. A serious prospect should be asking themselves every week, “How did I demonstrate my interest to that coach this week?”
CHARLIE ADAMS: What do college coaches look for in recruits, beyond talent?
DAN TUDOR: Academics are a key component, obviously. If an athlete has good grades and test scores, a college coach knows that they won’t have to babysit that athlete and worry about whether or not he or she goes to class. After that, one of the things coaches mention to me might surprise families: They look to see how the prospect treats his or her parents when they visit the school. Are they polite, courteous and respectful towards them? College coaches look for that, because they are wanting mature, respectful student-athletes as a part of their program. So, just like a family is observing a coach when they visit a school, that coach is probably watching them, as well.
CHARLIE ADAMS: Dan, you have a daughter who is going to run in the Big Ten Conference as a member of the University of Iowa women’s cross country and track and field team. As a parent that went through recruiting, what did you learn and observe?
DAN TUDOR: My daughter, Cambria Tudor, fell in love with the team and coaching staff at Iowa, and that happened very early on in the process. She wanted a big school with lots of spirit, and someplace away from home (we live in California).
As she went through the process and I observed her as a parent, I felt it was my job to direct her and make sure that she was managing the “process” correctly. That is to say, I was clear about being prompt in returning a coach’s email or phone call, and making sure to ask coaches the right questions at the right time. However, I didn’t want to be “that dad” that makes college coaches cringe…the kind that acts as a manager and gatekeeper, and runs the process on behalf of their son or daughter. College coaches DO NOT like that…they want to hear from the recruit they are recruiting primarily, and get to know parents along the way.
In the end, once my daughter found a school and a coach that fit her goals and meshed well with her personality, I was fine with her committing and supported her decision to be a Hawkeye. In her case, she picked a school where she won’t be the “star” right out of the gate…she’ll have to work extremely hard as an incoming Freshman, but she wanted that challenge and I am very proud of her for choosing that tougher road.
My advice for parents: Direct your athlete, but don’t run interference for them. This is their life, and while they will obviously look to their parents for advice and direction, it needs to be their choice. And, how they “feel” about the coach, program and school matters…it can’t be strictly based on facts or who offers them the most money, if possible. This is four years of their life, and they need to feel good about their decision and excited about taking on the challenge of competing in college athletics, no matter what level it is.
CHARLIE ADAMS: What are trends you see in college sports, including recruiting?
DAN TUDOR: Earlier and earlier communication from coaches and athletes. A serious athlete should be approaching the process aggressively beginning (in my opinion) in their Sophomore year of high school. Visit campuses, call coaches, and get on the radar. If an athlete is eligible and can register for a resource like NCSA, they should do it sooner rather than later. There is no logical reason why a solid student-athlete should sit around and wait for a coach to contact them. If earlier communication is the trend, make sure your family is on the leading edge of that trend.


Posted July 19, 2014

Read recruiting tips from a Parent Perspective……………………………..

A Parent’s Perspective: Recruiting Tips and Picking the Right College

Posted by on Jul 8, 2014 in Basketball | 1 comment

The following post was received from Thanks for letting us share!  Click here to check out their website!

Lisa Rivera-Fillyaw is the mother of former Topeka High graduate Marcus Fillyaw, who began his college basketball career at Cloud County Community College before transferring to Division I Southern Illinois University. After one season at SIU, Fillyaw has transferred to Division II Kentucky Wesleyan.


I have gathered some tips that we have learned along the way in our three recruiting experiences. Some tips may seem silly or pretty basic, but they are all things to consider when trying to decide on a school/athletic program when you’re being recruited. Going to college is a big decision and you’ll want to make sure you end up at the school that’s right for you.

Don’t depend on your current coach to do all the work for you     

If you’re trying to move onto the next level, you have to promote yourself. Your current coach has several other players who are all in the same boat as you. You may rely on your coach to help get your name out, but there is more that you can do yourself. Sign up on a recruiting website–there are a ton of them. Make your own highlight video and mail copies to schools that you’re interested in. Send a bio of your stats, ACT score, and grade history. E-mail coaches that you’d like to talk with, but be mindful of the recruiting periods and “dead” time when coaches aren’t allowed to speak with prospective athletes.

Don’t fall for the used car salesman approach   

A coach that’s trying to impress you will spew out every positive thing he or she can think about their school. Yes, maybe the coach coached someone who is now on the PGA circuit or in the NFL. That’s awesome! That has nothing to do with you. That really doesn’t have much to do with the coach either. That professional athlete got where they are by hard work, natural gifts, the willingness to succeed, good coaching, AND a good head on their shoulders. Also, they’ll brag about the championships the school has won and they’ll show you the trophy case on your visit. Those are all great accomplishments, but again, they really don’t have anything to do with you as an athlete. Those things may have occurred even before this coach came to the program. Some coaches have every right to boast about the players who have come through THEIR program and have gone onto the next level. Of course, coaches help athletes get there, but don’t let them take all the glory for the work an athlete has put in just to make themselves or their program look good in your eyes.

Consider location and check out the school’s and city’s local newspaper online                            

Do you have family near the school(s) you’re considering attending? Who will be able to help out if an emergency arises?   Do you have bad allergies? Do you prefer colder or warmer climates? Will a campus close to a beach lure you to the beach more often than class? Do you plan on living up your college years by partying every other night at house parties and bars? Or do you rely on a quiet community where you can stay focused on your athletics and academics? Get a feel for the “campus vibe”. Does the campus offer activities to keep students involved without them resorting to the bar scene for their social life? Check the local newspaper for the crime rate. Car break ins, drunk driving accidents, and drug busts happen everywhere, but if the crime rate makes you uncomfortable, that’s something to consider. Be honest with yourself and assess your maturity level or what stresses you can and can’t handle.

Check into class size, campus size, and city size                                      

Will you thrive in an average class of 15 students each? Or are you going to be fine in lecture halls with over 100 students per class? Will a smaller campus where you can get around by foot or bike be more suited to your liking? Or would you rather drive or take a bus around campus? Do you prefer a small town atmosphere where all the locals know you as a student athlete and greet you by name in the grocery store? Or do you prefer the hustle and bustle of a larger city?

Make the head coach tell you EXACTLY what is expected of you and your position                     

Coaches will say what they feel they need to say so that you’ll be impressed with them and their program/school.   Make sure the coach has a definite plan for you and your position before signing on. Find out how many other athletes they are recruiting for the same position. Find out how many players they will carry on their squad at that position. Ask how you will fit in with the returning players on the squad and the recruits that have already signed or committed.

Don’t assume that a D-I school is your best option                                            

“Going D-I” – that’s the most overused and misunderstood phrase I’ve heard in our recruiting experiences. D-I schools versus D-II schools are no different than a 6A high school versus a 5A high school. There are probably some 4A high school athletic programs that can embarrass some 6A programs, just like there are some JUCO programs that could probably embarrass a low or mid-major D-I program.   Don’t think because it’s bigger, that it’s necessarily better. The D-I schools have more money, more boosters, maybe better facilities, and the coaches kiss babies and go on ESPN talk shows, but what it comes down to is the QUALITY of the program and coaching staff. You have to be real with yourself and know what you need to do to be successful at the next level. If going to a JUCO for a year or two to get stronger or faster is what you need, then do it. If you’re the type that doesn’t mind sitting on a D-I bench just to say that you’re at a D-I university, then by all means, sit on that bench proudly. If you want to play, then you need to honestly be that bigger, stronger, smarter player so that you’re not a bench warmer. Also understand that D-I universities are on the look-out for recruiting prospects 24/7/365. If they find someone that’s bigger, faster, stronger, whatever…they WILL recruit him to take your spot. They also have larger squads with more athletes on scholarship. There could be five players on one squad all trying for a chance at one position. Do you want to be one of many in that position or THE one?

Talk to former players if possible                                         

Coaches will introduce you to or have current players call you to try to persuade you to choose their program. A current player isn’t going to be totally honest about any negatives within the program while they’re on scholarship. It may sound a little crazy, but go to the school’s website and look up the prior year’s roster is it’s still available.     See if you can possibly locate a graduated senior or a transfer and contact them. Ask for their honest opinion. They have nothing to lose by telling you the truth.

If possible, check out the relationship between the head coach and his staff                                

If the head coach and one or more assistant coaches from one school are contacting you, compare what they say. Do they all say the same thing? Does it seem rehearsed? Or are they just on the same level and same wave length? If you go on a visit, watch how the coaches interact with each other. Do some seem like “yes-men” or are they    really a valued part of the program? Does the head coach tell you something totally different from the other coaches)? If so, that’s a pretty good indication of how your season will go too. If they all agree on the same core values and direction the program is going in, then your season will probably go smoothly.

Make sure the school offers classes required for your major                                      

Just because a school has a great athletic program, you’ve got to consider the classes offered. After all, you ARE there to get an education. They’re offering you that free education in exchange for representing the school on the playing field. It’s normal for incoming college freshmen to have no clue of what they’d like to major in, but look over the course offerings and see if there’s enough variety that you won’t have trouble finding something that interests you.

Check out the weight room, gym, locker room, housing, equipment, and meet the trainers to make sure you’ll have everything you need                                             

Does the weight room have a pull-up bar, a treadmill, and one set of barbells? If so, how are you going to work out? Is there a dedicated trainer just for your sport? Is there a trainer that can tend to medical injuries? Are there facilities with hot tubs and ice baths? Check out the housing situations. Do you hate sharing a bathroom with too many people? Are athletes expected to live together? Can you live off campus? How many people have to share a dorm room or a suite?

Ask the coach if he can commit to you since he’s asking you to commit to him                                    

Coaches who are recruiting will tell you what they expect from you, or what kind of commitment they need you to make. Turn the tables on the coach and ask what kind of commitment he/she will make to you. Is the coach happy coaching there or does he have his eye out for other offers and may leave within a year? Find out the turnover rate of the assistant coaches. Look up the coaching staff’s employment history. Do they hop from school to school, looking for the next “big gig” or have they stayed committed to only a few programs?

Make sure the head coach has an open door policy with you and your parents                             

Talking to the assistant coaches is fine, but if you have a serious issue or concern, make sure your head coach is always available to you and your teammates. That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to call him at 2:00 AM when you need a ride home from the library/bar/friend’s house. That means if you or your parents have some concerns regarding your status or progress at the school or within the program, the head coach should be available to discuss your concerns.

If you intend to live off-campus, don’t let anyone make you sign a lease longer than the school year

Just because you plan on attending a particular school for the next two, three, or four years, don’t assume anything. What you like about the program in the beginning may change and you may want to transfer. You may get injured and not able to fulfill your scholarship arrangement. Your roommates may transfer. Don’t be stuck in a lease that you will be held responsible for even if you don’t continue living there or even being enrolled at your original school.

Understand that the boosters, the community, and the media can have a huge impact on what the coach does                        

The bigger the school, the more people are involved in the athletic programs and the more opinions are given. The coach has to keep the administration happy, the boosters happy, the community happy, his staff happy, and his players happy. The school, the boosters, and the community are the ones giving the money into the program. The athletes don’t, so where exactly do the athletes fall on the happiness priority ladder? There are some coaches who make their players a priority and there are some coaches whose main concern is to keep the boosters happy and giving up the money. The more money the program has, the flashier they can be, which sometimes lures players to commit.

Be humble and don’t have an arrogant attitude                                       

Be confident, but not arrogant. If asked, admit any shortcomings you have, but assure the coaches that you’re planning to get better at those skills. You have to sell yourself also, but make sure you’re honest. Thank the coaches for their consideration of you and let them know that you appreciate their time and offers. Even if you’re not offered a scholarship at a particular school, the coaches ALL TALK to each other and word will quickly spread about your demeanor, attitude, skill level, and grades. Make sure you make a good impression even if you’re not interested in a particular school or sports program.

Courtesy of



Posted May 23, 2014

Do I need a highlight video for track?????  The answer is YES.  College Coaches are unable to visit every track meet throughout the country and a highlight video will enable them to see what you are about.

Check out this link :

Courtesy of NCSA


Posted January 20, 2014

If You’re Aren’t Calling Coaches, You are Behind the Competition

Calling coaches can be one of the most intimidating aspects of a student-athletes recruiting process, but it can also be one of the most important. If you are interested in a school, it is vital that you be in contact with the coach. A coach is never going to invite someone to be part of their team if they’ve never heard their voice.

It is okay to have initial contact with a coach through email, as long as you progress towards phone calls. Coaches want to speak with you on the phone so they can get to know you better. Remember that you can call a coach at any time, but coaches have strict rules placed upon them by the NCAA depending on what year in high school you are.

Before you call a coach, you must prepare. First, you need to research the school you plan to call. You should learn some background information on the school and program so you will be comfortable talking with the coach and answering their questions. Second, you should write down a list of questions that you plan to ask the coach.

As a good rule, plan to ask only 2-4 questions per conversation; coaches are extremely busy and if the interest level is mutual, you will have plenty of future conversations to get all of your questions answered. Lastly, you should have at least a couple of practice phone calls to a coach. A good way to practice is to role play with a teammate, family member or coach.

Always remember to be enthusiastic when speaking with coaches so they will want to have future conversations with you. The most important thing to remember is that they are just like any other adult. They are aware that it is difficult for a high school student to pick up the phone and call them and they will respect you more for it. Prepare yourself as best you can and just be yourself!



Posted January 5,2014

Completing Your FAFSA

FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid and can be found at The biggest mistake a lot of families make is not filling the FAFSA out because they think their family income is too high. This could not be further from the truth. Every family, regardless of income, has an EFC (estimated family contribution) number and the LOWER your EFC, the more aid you will receive. Even if you may not receive a significant amount of financial aid, you should still complete the FAFSA because it can act as an insurance policy for your son/daughter’s education. If there is a change or loss of income or an emergency in your family; you will not be eligible for college funds if you do not complete the FAFSA on an annual basis.

The first date you may submit the FAFSA is January 1 of senior year. Submit the FAFSAS on this date or as soon after as possible! University financial aid budgets are limited and are awarded on a first come first serve basis, so the earlier you submit your FAFSA, the better your chances of receiving aid. Each college/university has a specific deadline and at a certain point, the money does run out.


Posted November 23, 21013

Early Signing Period



NLIFor all sports November 13th- November 20th, 2013


(These sports are not included in early signing football, soccer, track & field, cross country, field hockey and men’s water polo.)


The NLI is a binding agreement between a prospective student athlete and an NLI member institution


  • A prospective student athlete agrees to attend the institution full time for one academic year (two semesters or three quarters
  • The institution agrees to provide financial aid for one academic year


Penalty for breaking this contract


  • Student athletes have to serve one year in residence at the next NLI member institution


  • Sit out for one season of competition in all sports


What is Signing Day?


  • Signing day is the day you actually sign the NLI


Does every division 1 and 2 athlete sign an NLI?


  • Most people will say that every D1 and D2 athlete will sign an NLI, but this is not the case.
  • It is not so much about being in a certain division as it is whether or not the school is a member of the NLI program.
  • There are 600 schools who participate in the NLI program
  • All D1 schools are involved with NLI except for service academies and Ivy league.
  • A majority of D2 programs participate in the program
  • No D3, NAIA, Prep schools or 2 year colleges participate
  • For a complete list of schools who participate in the NLI, visit the NCAA’s website


Is the NLI binding if the coach leaves the institution?


  • Yes, you sign the NLI with the institution, not with the coach


Can a coach rescind an NLI?


  • When a school drafts up the NLI, they are committing the agreed upon funds for at least one year and cannot break that commitment, regardless of injury or any other reason


Can a college coach be present on signing day?


  • No, a college coach cannot be present when you sign an NLI off-campus. NCAA rules say that it is strictly prohibited for a coach to be present at the signing of the NLI or any related activities. The rules also prohibit the coach delivering the NLI in person.


3 Things to Learn in High School to Prepare for College

When I was in high school, I thought I was more than ready to take the leap and be a college student-athlete.  I played multiple sports, had good grades, and never had any issues making time for a personal life. But, I quickly discovered playing two sports in college and having a full course load was more than I was ready for.  There are three things that I could have done differently in high school to prepare me for the shock of how different college is: learning how to study, learning how to effectively write, and developing proper time management skills.
1.       Learn How to Study
Academically, high school was relatively an easy experience for me. I took AP classes and honors classes and never seemed to struggle with the course load or material.  My study habits would include looking over the textbook, notes, and trying to memorize key terms the night before a test or exam.  This is how I studied, and I never had an issue with my results. When I got to college, this style of studying would not be acceptable, and I had to quickly shift my mindset of what effective study habits were.  Here are some things I started to do to study effectively. First, I started to give myself more than one night to study! I also practiced writing out my answers, made note cards, found a place in the library where I could focus, and I made sure I kept up with the reading. I also learned how to study in a group and learned how to ask questions to the teachers.  All of these steps played a major impact in my confidence when taking the test as well. Learning how to adapt to a situation is part of being an athlete but taking these steps at the high school level now will only help prepare you for college.
2.       Learn How to Write
Being a successful college level writer is much different than getting good grades in your high school classes. Learning how to write effectively in college was by far my biggest academic challenge.  When I got to Lawrence University, I found out very quickly my writing ability was not up to the standards they were looking for. This was a very discouraging moment for me in college because I had no idea how to write and I felt very lost. Luckily, I had a very good support system with my basketball team where a teammate stepped up to be my tutor.  Overtime, I was able to understand how to effectively write a college level paper. So, my advice to any athlete is to challenge yourself now in high school if there are writing classes. Having the skill and confidence to write a term paper or a research paper will make your life so much easier once you are in college.
3.       Time Management
Going off to college and being on your own for the first time will demand some time management skills. But being a student-athlete who is entering the college life is even more important.  The student-athlete will have to manage taking 18 credits, studying, completing projects, participating in study groups, going to workouts, practice, games and traveling. This can overwhelm anyone who is not prepared. Most student-athletes will have help planning their schedule out and most are creatures of habit anyways. But, it will never hurt to have a plan. I used to make up my own due dates for projects and papers to insure I would be able to have them done in time. I would set goals to get school work done and my reward would be free time. There are many tricks to having effective time management skills as a college athlete but knowing the importance and developing these skills earlier on will make you more successful  college student-athletes.

Posted November 21,2013

NCAA Eligibility Basics

FAQs about the NCAA Eligibility Center

Student-athletes must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to be eligible to play NCAA Division I or II sports in college. Athletes playing in Division III do not have to register.

What is the NCAA Eligibility Center?

The NCAA Eligibility Center certifies whether prospective college athletes are eligible to play sports at NCAA Division I or II institutions. It does this by reviewing the student-athlete’s academic record, SAT® or ACT scores, and amateur status to ensure conformity with NCAA rules.

What are NCAA Divisions I, II, and III?

The NCAA is the governing body of many intercollegiate sports. Each college regulated by the NCAA has established rules on eligibility, recruiting and financial aid and falls into one of the three membership divisions (Divisions I, II and III). Divisions are based on college size and the scope of their athletic programs and scholarships.

When should students register?

The NCAA recommends that student-athletes register at the beginning of their junior year in high school, but many students register after their junior year. There is no registration deadline, but students must be cleared by the Eligibility Center before they receive athletic scholarships or compete at a Division I or II institution.

How do students register?

Students must register online at the NCAA Eligibility Center. They will have to enter personal information, answer questions about their course work and sports participation outside of high school and pay a registration fee.

Can students have the registration fee waived?

Students who have received a waiver for the SAT or ACT are eligible for a waiver of the registration fee. The student’s counselor must submit confirmation of the student’s test fee waiver. Go to the NCAA Eligibility Center High School Portal for more information.

What records does the Eligibility Center require?

Students should arrange to have you send their high school transcript as soon as they have completed at least six semesters of high school. The transcript must be mailed directly from their high school. They must also arrange to have their SAT or ACT test scores reported directly by the testing company to the Eligibility Center.  Students can arrange this when they register for the tests.

You are responsible for sending in students’ final transcripts and proof of graduation at the end of their senior year.

How often can students update their athletics participation information?

Students can update the information on the athletics participation section online as often as they want (and should update it regularly), up until the time when they request a final certification of their status. At that point — usually three to four months before enrolling in college — students must finalize their information.

What are the NCAA academic eligibility requirements?

To play sports at an NCAA Division I or II institution, the student must:

  • Complete a certain number of high school core courses (defined below).
  • Earn a certain minimum grade point average in these core courses.
  • Earn a certain minimum score on the SAT or ACT.
  • Graduate from high school.

For more information, see the NCAA’s Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete, in the Publications section of the NCAA website.

What are core courses?

This is the name that the NCAA gives to high school courses that meet certain academic criteria specified by the association. Students must complete a certain number of core courses for NCAA Division I and II eligibility.

How are high school courses classified as core courses?

All participating high schools submit lists of the courses that they offer that meet NCAA core-course criteria. If approved, the courses are added to a database that the NCAA Eligibility Center maintains. You can check this database or view a list of approved core courses on the NCAA Eligibility Center High School Portal to see whether your student-athletes are enrolled in courses that will count toward NCAA eligibility.

It is often the counselor who provides the NCAA with the list of your school’s core courses and updates it annually. The NCAA may ask for more information before approving a core course.

What are the NCAA amateurism eligibility requirements?

To play sports at an NCAA Division I or II institution, the student athlete must follow NCAA amateurism rules about receiving a salary or prize money for athletic participation, playing with a professional team and other areas. For more information, see the Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete.

Keep in mind

The best way for students to prepare for a future in college athletics is to complete the approved core courses and earn appropriate grades in them. Indeed, more students fail to qualify to play NCAA sports because of lack of appropriate course work than for low test scores.

Make sure your athletes are enrolled in the courses on your high school’s core-course list, and also know the eligibility requirements of the NCAA Eligibility Center. Then make sure your athletes are taking the necessary courses, earning the necessary grades and doing anything else they must to stay on track for NCAA eligibility.


Posted October 8, 2013

Recruiting Checklist for Parents

October 4th, 2013 – by Kerry Brown



  • Thoroughly review the NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete, so you know the rules as well your athlete does
  • Use Division I core course worksheet inside the NCAA guide to set specific academic goals and plan a core course schedule for your athlete
  • Stay aware of your athletes grades- the better their grades the more opportunities they will have
  • Begin researching SAT/ACT test preparation for your athlete or when it comes time to enroll them in course
  • Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and make sure your athlete’s high school counselor sends his or her transcript at the end of junior year
  • Help your athlete figure out what they may be interested in studying in college- this will help determine if a school is right for them


  • Start a correspondence log to keep track of your communications with college coaches
  • Help your athlete build their recruiting profile- but don’t be a helicopter parent
  • Plan official and unofficial visits to local college campuses, always contacting the coaches beforehand to arrange a meeting
  • Create a highlight or skills video using sport-specific video guidelines
  • Compile a list of target schools based on your athletes qualifications
  • Help your athlete understand the importance of staying responsible with social media
  • Determine your Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) to familiarize yourself with the collegiate financial aid process

Read more: Recruiting Checklist for Parents – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog

Posted September 6, 2013


Test Date Registration Deadline (Late Fee Required)
September 21, 2013 August 23, 2013 August 24–September 6, 2013
October 26, 2013 September 27, 2013 September 28–October 11, 2013
December 14, 2013 November 8, 2013 November 9–22, 2013
February 8, 2014* January 10, 2014 January 11–24, 2014
April 12, 2014 March 7, 2014 March 8–21, 2014
June 14, 2014 May 9, 2014 May 10–23, 2014


SAT Date SAT Subject
Tests Available
(Find Dates)
Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline

Deadline for Changes

Mail Phone/
Send Reminder
27 days left
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63 days left
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112 days left
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154 days left
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245 days left



Posted July 27,2013

How Colleges Determine Merit Scholarships


August 23, 2011

How do colleges and universities decide who will get their merit scholarships? Grade point averages, standardized test scores, and the strength of your high school curriculum often play a significant role. However, there are other factors, particularly at private schools, that can play a supporting role in determining which students pocket awards.Teenagers who receive merit awards are happy to receive the money, but they often don’t know what it took to earn them. That’s why I was happy to stumble across the blueprint for the merit awards that the University of Rochester dispensed to its latest crop of freshmen.Jonathan Burdick, the undergraduate dean of admissions and financial aid, decided to take a look after the 2011-12 class was formed to see what factors had mattered in merit award decisions. Even better, Burdick assigned a dollar value to these factors.[Learn why you shouldn’t rely on college sticker prices.]I found the merit aid breakdown fascinating. While all schools will have their own criteria, this list will give you some sense of what matters beyond the obvious. Here’s how Rochester’s merit awards played out during the past admissions cycle:• $3,000: The school typically rewarded candidates who reached out to it with an extra $3,000. These were teenagers who had serious conversations with the admissions and financial aid office. Schools like to feel wanted, and reaching out to them with meaningful conversations can help.• $2,000: That’s what teens who weren’t New Yorkers received. Sixty two percent of the freshmen class hails from somewhere else. While Burdick didn’t check, he suspects that students who lived farther away received an even fatter amount of money.Why would students benefit from being from distant states? Because college crave geographic diversity. They want to be able to brag that they have students from all 50 states or close to it.[Get tips on paying for college.]• $62: Each “A” on a teen’s transcript generated $62 worth of merit aid.• $400: Teenagers received roughly $400 for each tough course that they took. Courses that would qualify included Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and honors.• $1,800: A student got this much more if the school considered his or her recommendations excellent.• $115: Each 10-point improvement in the SAT above the average for Rochester freshmen garnered an extra $115. The average SAT score was 2040.[Explore the U.S. News college test prep guide.]• $400: Observing deadlines matter. Students got an extra $400 for completing the application on time, as well as making sure mid-year grades were sent.• $1.89: You got this much less every time a student was admitted with the same major. This clearly favored students with less popular majors such as philosophy and hurt students interested in such big majors as psychology, political science, and economics.• $1,700: That’s how much the typical freshmen received in merit money if his or her parents completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The school imposes a progressive tax on its merit awards. On average, $4 less in income boosts the merit award by one cent.



15 Items to Put on Your Recruiting To Do List

June 6th, 2013 – by Natalie Pedersen

Do you know what it takes to be recruited? No matter what sport you play, there are certain steps that every athlete needs to take to get noticed, get on college coaches’ recruiting lists and ultimately get offers! This is your recruiting process and you need to be proactive in order to receive one of the limited roster spots available.

Here are 15 things that should help you get recruited!

  1. Research and reach out to at least 100 college coaches – create a list of colleges that interest you at all division levels and update that list monthly. Start narrowing down your choices until you have a list of your top 25 favorites, then 20, then 15 and so on until you find your perfect fit.
  2. Coach communications – it’s up to you to reach out to coaches and get proactive. Don’t wait for them to come to you! Your goal should be to talk to three coaches each week via phone and send your introduction letter to at least five new coaches every month. NCSA also encourages prospects to create a list of questions to ask college coaches when you call them, but to also keep the list handy for when they call you back! Include a list of answers to questions that you think coaches will ask you.
  3. Develop relationships with college coaches – don’t just reach out once and assume the ball is in their court. Keep emailing and calling college coaches once every week or two to keep on their radar.
  4. Once you do the above, you should expect to receive a minimum of 100-200 letters from college coaches across the country. You must get on recruiting lists in order to achieve this!
  5. Show college coaches respect – you should reply to every letter, email or phone call you receive, whether you are interested in that coach’s college or not. Remember, the more college coaches you have a relationship with, the more opportunities you’ll have to compete at the next level.
  6. Attend camps, combines, tournaments and showcases – consider the ones where the coach is heavily recruiting you. Remember, you won’t get discovered at these events – coaches only focus on recruits they’ve previously been in contact with.
  7. Understand the recruiting timeline – do you know when a college coach can contact you or when you can contact them? Knowing the contact rules and when coaches start making offers to recruits will put you a leg up on your competition.
  8. Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center you must register with the NCAA Eligibility Center before you can do two very important things: a) take official visits and b) sign your National Letter of Intent. You will also need to verify that you are qualified to play in the NCAA once you’re registered, which entails things like making sure you’ve taken the 16 core courses and sending in your official transcripts and SAT or ACT scores.
  10. Take at least 3 unofficial visits to college campuses each year of your high school career.
  11. Have a professional highlight or skills video – professional is the key word here. It’s hard to get a college coach to watch film in the first place, so don’t give him a reason to discount you within the first few seconds. You want a video that contains spot-shadowing, no music and is around 3-4 minutes long with your best highlights first. (LAST SENTENCE OMITTED BY PERSON POSTING)
  12. ACT/SAT prep work starts freshman and sophomore year  – you’ll want to take the tests your junior year and then think about retaking the test no matter how well you did. You only have to report your best score, so if you happen to do worse the second time, it won’t hurt you.
  13. Get and Keep your GPA up! The better your grades, the less you’ll have to worry about whether you are academically qualified to get accepted to colleges.
  14. Research and prepare your FAFSA and Financial Aid Information – you can submit your FAFSA starting January 1st of your senior year. Just remember that financial aid money is first come, first serve, so you’ll want to submit this as soon as possible. You should also find out your Estimated Family Contribution (EFC).
  15. Research Application Deadlines – make sure you submit applications before the deadline and really put some effort into your essays. You should also identify some teachers that you will want to write recommendation letters for you. Be sure you talk to any college coach who is recruiting you about their application deadline and fee…sometimes coaches will waive the fee for you!

Bonus Tip: This might be the most obvious on the list, but don’t forget to work hard and keep improving in your sport! Practice, train, lift and work to get bigger, better and stronger than your competition!

Read more: 15 Items to Put on Your Recruiting To Do List – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


What college coaches say frustrates them the most in recruiting

July 17th, 2013 – by Charlie Adams

Dan Tudor has worked with hundreds of college coaches in all sports. As President and Founder of Tudor Collegiate Strategies, Dan works with colleges around the country, teaching their coaches to recruit more effectively. As a result, he has had thousands of conversations with them about the recruiting process. I recently interviewed Dan to learn what college coaches are saying about the recruiting process. His answers can help you understand what you can be doing better to be more recruited.

CHARLIE ADAMS: Dan, What do college coaches tell you is the most frustrating part of the recruiting process from their perspective?

DAN TUDOR: Initially, they are frustrated that prospects (and their parents) aren’t more open to considering their school as an option. Many coaches have great things to offer, both from their program and at their college, and they really want the chance to tell talented athletes about what they have to offer. However, many college recruits are too narrowly focused – especially at the start of the process, when many kids think the only acceptable option is high level Division I athletics. My advice to college athletes is to show interest to many college coaches, and let them get the chance to show you what they can provide athletically and academically.

CHARLIE ADAMS: What are some other things college coaches tell you about recruiting, that could help families?

DAN TUDOR: The biggest obstacle for college coaches these days is communication with prospects. It’s happening earlier and earlier, yet there are significant limits on how and when a coach can contact a recruit. If a family is proactive and calls, emails or communicates through social media with a coach they are interested in – or a program that is trying to get in touch with them – they could really jump to the front of the line with that particular coach. DO NOT be a family that is hard to reach, or appears to be disinterested at the start of the process…it will kill the process before it gets started.

CHARLIE ADAMS: Where do you think the greatest lack of education is regarding families in recruiting?

DAN TUDOR: One of the biggest is that coaches will just “discover” an athlete. Certainly, that’s true for the top 1-2% of top level athletes, but the vast majority of recruits are brought in after they initially communicate with a coach. I think families are still under the impression that they should sit back and wait for a coach to come knocking, and the truth is that just doesn’t happen very often. It’s a huge misconception that really ruins some opportunities for good student-athletes.

The other aspect is just the lack of communication skills on the part of athletes and parents. More often than not, it’s a lack of communication on the recruit’s part that ends the recruiting process. It’s extremely competitive, so if you are a recruit who is scared of talking to a coach or hesitates in answering their email and expresses interest in what their college has to offer, be prepared to see scholarship and college playing opportunities dry up.

Dan Tudor, seen here working with college coaches

CHARLIE ADAMS: People assume college coaches know every prospect there is so they should wait to be contacted. That’s not necessarily so, right?

DAN TUDOR: Not at all. As i said earlier, waiting around for a coach to “discover” you is a horrible strategy…even if you’re All-Region and a varsity starter in their sport for four years, colleges outside your immediate area may not know about you. College coaches tell me all the time that they are most interested in the athletes that show interest in them and their program. It makes sense, right? We all want to be wanted, and college coaches are no different. Athletes that are proactive – whether that is registering for a resource like NCSA or picking up the telephone and calling a coach – are going to be the athletes that have the most opportunities.This is a competitive process, and coaches want to know who wants to compete for them. A serious prospect should be asking themselves every week, “How did I demonstrate my interest to that coach this week?”

CHARLIE ADAMS: What do college coaches look for in recruits, beyond talent?

DAN TUDOR: Academics are a key component, obviously. If an athlete has good grades and test scores, a college coach knows that they won’t have to babysit that athlete and worry about whether or not he or she goes to class. After that, one of the things coaches mention to me might surprise families: They look to see how the prospect treats his or her parents when they visit the school. Are they polite, courteous and respectful towards them? College coaches look for that, because they are wanting mature, respectful student-athletes as a part of their program. So, just like a family is observing a coach when they visit a school, that coach is probably watching them, as well.

CHARLIE ADAMS: Dan, you have a daughter who is going to run in the Big Ten Conference as a member of the University of Iowa women’s cross country and track and field team. As a parent that went through recruiting, what did you learn and observe?

DAN TUDOR: My daughter, Cambria Tudor, fell in love with the team and coaching staff at Iowa, and that happened very early on in the process. She wanted a big school with lots of spirit, and someplace away from home (we live in California).

As she went through the process and I observed her as a parent, I felt it was my job to direct her and make sure that she was managing the “process” correctly. That is to say, I was clear about being prompt in returning a coach’s email or phone call, and making sure to ask coaches the right questions at the right time. However, I didn’t want to be “that dad” that makes college coaches cringe…the kind that acts as a manager and gatekeeper, and runs the process on behalf of their son or daughter. College coaches DO NOT like that…they want to hear from the recruit they are recruiting primarily, and get to know parents along the way.

In the end, once my daughter found a school and a coach that fit her goals and meshed well with her personality, I was fine with her committing and supported her decision to be a Hawkeye. In her case, she picked a school where she won’t be the “star” right out of the gate…she’ll have to work extremely hard as an incoming Freshman, but she wanted that challenge and I am very proud of her for choosing that tougher road.

My advice for parents: Direct your athlete, but don’t run interference for them. This is their life, and while they will obviously look to their parents for advice and direction, it needs to be their choice. And, how they “feel” about the coach, program and school matters…it can’t be strictly based on facts or who offers them the most money, if possible. This is four years of their life, and they need to feel good about their decision and excited about taking on the challenge of competing in college athletics, no matter what level it is.

CHARLIE ADAMS: What are trends you see in college sports, including recruiting?

DAN TUDOR: Earlier and earlier communication from coaches and athletes. A serious athlete should be approaching the process aggressively beginning (in my opinion) in their Sophomore year of high school. Visit campuses, call coaches, and get on the radar. If an athlete is eligible and can register for a resource like NCSA, they should do it sooner rather than later. There is no logical reason why a solid student-athlete should sit around and wait for a coach to contact them. If earlier communication is the trend, make sure your family is on the leading edge of that trend.

Read more: What college coaches say frustrates them the most in recruiting – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


Sports Swag

July 24th, 2013 – by Liza Solberg

This week at NCSA we’ve been talking a lot about the importance of an athlete’s attitude, sports swag, if you will. How many times have you heard a star athlete say they weren’t necessarily the best guy out there, but they wanted it the most? It’s that fire we are talking about.

walter payton 2

A couple of weeks ago NCSA participated in a 7 on 7 Football event in Wheaton, IL. We were lucky enough to hear Jarrett Payton, Walter Payton’s son, speak. He started his speech, not by listing his father’s accomplishments but by bringing to our attention that his father was only 5’10” and weighed 200 lbs during his career. He was not your average sized Running Back. What he lacked in size he made up for in character. He had an all in attitude and all out work ethic. Jarret talked about waking up on hot summer days and hearing his dad say “Time to go to work”. He would respond, “Dad, the weather man said it’s a heat warning, it’s dangerous to even be outside”, and Walter would respond with a smile on his face “time to go to work”, and head out to run the hills he was famous for. Walter Payton’s sports swag led him to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1993 along with the retirement of his jersey for the Chicago Bears. He may not have looked like the best guy out there but he acted like it, he worked for it, and that was what made the difference.


To really bring home this theme I thought I would share a few quotes by pro athletes and sports writers that reflect a positive attitude and passion for the game.

“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.”- Heywood Broun

waynegretzky“You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” –Wayne Gretzky

“You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.” –Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” –Vince Lombardi


Athletes Wanted, a book about the recruitment game-plan argues that the well-rounded student-athlete is defined by 25% Intangibles. That means coaches are interested in your ability to lead, get up after getting pushed down, communicate with others, and love of the game.

athletic pie chart

So, when you wake up to run and it’s pitch black out, when the ref is driving you crazy on the field, or when your team is down in the fourth quarter and someone needs to step up and lead them to victory- remember these quotes. Remember Walter Payton going to work. Remember that attitude can make the difference between a great athlete and just a good one.

Read more: Sports Swag – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


 Posted June 2, 2013

6  Things You Need to Know About Athletic Scholarships

          November 8th, 2012          – by Callie  Hemming         

1. It’s competitive

There are more than 7.3 million student-athletes. Fewer than 7% of the  nation’s athletes will play at a college level, and just 2.04% will receive any  athletic funding.

2. Scholarships aren’t available to every  student-athlete

They are available only for student-athletes who meet the NCAA or NAIA’s  minimum standards for academic achievement, and in many cases, more rigid  standards established by individual schools. The NCAA has a required  16 core courses for student-athletes wishing to play, while the NAIA has their  own standards. Click here to read them.

3. Scholarships aren’t guaranteed

Athletic scholarships are awarded one year at a time, and  are renewed each year at a coach’s discretion.

4. Not every scholarship is a “full  ride”

A full ride normally covers tuition, books, room, board,  and associated feed, but not all sports offer full rides. Sports that  receive a full-ride are considered Head Count sports. These include:  M/W  Basketball, Football (D1 A), W. Gymnastics, W. Tennis, W. Volleyball.

The other type are Equivalency sports. The include:  Baseball,  Cross Country/Track, Field Hockey, Football (except Division 1A) golf, M.  Gymnastics, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, M. Swimming, M. Tennis, M.  Volleyball, Wrestling. These scholarships  are divvied up among the  players. A player in these sports may receive as little as $2,000.

5. The average scholarship is $10,409

NCAA Division I and II statistics reported that the average scholarship to be  valued at $10,409.  Most packages are a combination of athletic  scholarships and need and non-need-bases grants-in-aid.

6. Some of the best scholarship packages come from Division III  programs

Technically, Division III programs do not offer athletic scholarships, but  they do offer academic scholarships. These smaller private schools give merit  grants and other scholarships for student accomplishments. Be sure to keep  all your options open when you consider your school and you may receive more  financial aid as a result.

Read more:  6 Things You Need to Know About Athletic Scholarships – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


Posted May 31, 2013

How Recruiting is Like Prom

          May 9th,  2013          – by JC Kibbey         

All-out athletic competition may not seem like it has a lot to do with the  biggest school dance of the year, but they have more in common than you think.  Since it is the season, here are a few ways for you to think about of how  college recruiting is like prom.


Go with the Right Person Like potential prom dates,  there are a lot of college coaches out there. Some of them are nice, but not the  right choice for you. Some may be a little rough around the edges, but have  everything you’re looking for. Make sure you think carefully about all the  possibilities- what exactly are you looking for in a college program? Playing  time, academic quality, athletic competitiveness? What location, how big? Be  realistic about the college programs that are right for you – not everybody can  be on the arm of the Prom King and Queen, and not everybody can go play at USC  or Florida.

Find a Date Ahead of Time If you start looking for a  prom date the night before, most people are already going to be spoken for. Same  with recruiting – if you’re running around senior year trying to find an  opportunity to play in college, most of the roster spots will have already been  taken by athletes who started as freshmen or sophomores. No matter how popular  you think you are, waiting until the last minute is a recipe for disaster.

Have a Plan Imagine trying to do prom on the fly – every  restaurant would be booked and you’d have to go to McDonalds for dinner, you’d  have to take three minivans instead of a limo, and you’d be wearing whatever you  picked up at the Gap the day before. If you want to have a good experience, you  need to have a plan, and recruiting is the same way. Keep a list of the coaches  and institutions you are interested in, and that are interested in you. Keep  records of your coach communications, and make sure that your academics are on  track. The more prepared you are beforehand, the more fun you’ll have when the  big (signing) day comes.

If you make the right choices and plan ahead, prom and recruiting can both be  great experiences.

Read more:  How Recruiting is Like Prom – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog




Posted April 29, 2013

The Mistake 90% of Athletes Make When Emailing College Coaches

One of the dirty little secrets about recruiting is that it is easier than it has ever been for college coaches to find recruits. What hasn’t changed, is that they don’t have the time to sift through all of these recruits in order to find the few that are actually right for their school. This is why coaches rely heavily on qualified athletes contacting them.

If coaches are relying on athletes to contact them, why is it so difficult to get a coach to respond to you? The majority of recruits aren’t actually showing interest in a school, they are telling coaches they are interested. Coach’s get thousands of emails from recruits telling them they like their school. The key is, showing them you actually did some research by writing personal emails and showing knowledge of what it takes to play for their program. Here are the common ways coaches decipher the generic emails from the legitimate ones. Use these tips to get coaches to respond to your emails.

“I am interested in your great school.”

You think, you are telling the coach you like their school and are interested in their program. Coaches think this is one of the exact same emails you sent to hundreds of other coaches. Add the school’s name and tell them something unique as to why you like their school. For example, “I am interested in Lewis and Clark University because is located in Portland, a city I have always thought I would like to live in.” This sentence cannot be part of a generic email and shows a coach you took time to address them specifically.

“I think I could be a good member of your team.”

When coaches here this, they are thinking why do you think you could be a member of my team? This is a generic statement and you need to let them know specifics. Take 15 minutes to look at the bio’s of the athletes currently on the team. Are there seniors at your position? Are your accomplishments comparable to theirs in high school? Try something like this; “Coach I noticed you have three seniors at my position and would appreciate consideration as a member of your team for the class of 2014. I reviewed some of the high school accomplishments of your current team members, I play in many of the same tournaments as they did and think I have what it takes to compete within the Atlantic-Sun Conference.”

“I am looking for a scholarship opportunity.”

If you are talking about scholarships in your first email to coaches, it is a red flag. Whether it is the truth or not, when you mention a scholarship in the first email to a coach, they are going to think you are primarily interested in a scholarship and not their team. The majority of college athletes aren’t on scholarship. Most coaches have very limited scholarship money and they need to know that an athlete is contacting them with interest in being a college athlete first, committed team member second and scholarship athlete third. Everyone knows getting a scholarship is great and is important, but it doesn’t need to be talked about in your first email.

“I am a hard worker and love the sport.”

Being vague in the description of your abilities makes it very difficult for a coach to know how good you are. If you make it difficult for a coach to evaluate you, you increase the chance they ignore your email. Use hard stats related to your sport to show your ability. For example, if you are a basketball player and you don’t tell a coach how tall you are, don’t expect a response. If you run track and don’t list your best times or play soccer and can’t name a team or league you’ve competed in, don’t think a coach will look it up. You would rather show a coach how good you are and have them say they aren’t interested, then continue to send emails and hear nothing back.

Information provided from Athnet Newsletter

Posted February 1, 2013

The other day a coach interested one of the basketball players my husband coaches, contacted her to speak with her.  We handed the phone to her and the conversation lasted all of  30 seconds ( her responses that we could hear were mere yes, no but no real conversation) yes I said 30 seconds.  Athletes, a coach needs to get to know you and does not have alot of time to spend doing it ( not meaning to sound mean but just speaking the truth) so you need to work on being confident when speaking with someone about who you are.  Of course I was reading again and came across this interesting article about the common questions coaches ask and how you should be prepared to answer them.  ( See you guys get by with texting and never talking directly with someone but that will not fly in the recruiting process- Lauging Out Loud or as you guys would text LOL)  Please read on …………………….

20 Questions to Expect from a College Coach

          January 29th, 2013          – by JC  Kibbey

These are 20 of the most common questions you can expect to see from college  coaches at any level, along with some tips on answering from a former college  coach on our team.

Whatever question you are answering: sit up straight, look  the coach in the eye, give a firm handshake, and speak politely, clearly, and  confidently. These may seem like small things but you would be surprised how  much they can set you apart. A polished presentation can make all the difference  in the world, especially to a coach who needs to gauge your character but  doesn’t have much time to do it.

  1. What are your strengths as a player? Don’t be  modest, but do be specific. “I can really see my blocks,” “my stamina helps me  dominate on the final lap,” or “I have great ball control” are better than “I  try really hard.”
  1. What are your weaknesses as a player? Be  honest, because the coach will know soon enough if you’re lying and that will  reflect even worse on you than any holes in your game. But keep it brief and  don’t sell yourself short. This can also allow you to transition into another  question the coach is likely to ask…
  1. What improvements have you made recently? This  is a perfect follow-up to talking about your weaknesses. After you’re honest  about areas where you are lacking, show the coach how much you’ve been doing to  catch up.
  1. What kind of workout routine do you have? Talk  about any camps, weight training, weight lifting, preparation, or one-on-one  coaching/training you’ve done. Again, be honest but not modest.
  1. What are your goals this season? Aim high, but  be realistic. Make sure you put plenty of focus on your team – you don’t want to  come off as a “me-first” athlete.
  1. What other schools are recruiting you? If  you’re being recruited elsewhere, definitely tell them, but still make clear  that their school is where you want to be.
  1. What would make you a good fit for my school? Make sure you’ve done your homework – talk about the strength of their  academics, especially in any programs that you are interested in. If their team  has a particular history or reputation that you like, speak to that too.
  1. Do you think you are capable of playing at our level? Absolutely you are – or you wouldn’t be there. Explain how you can be  an asset to their team.
  1. What type of scholarship are you looking for? Always let the coach know if you have other offers on the table. Bring up  financial issues if they will be a determining factor in your decision making.  Be open to options and always ask about other types of aid besides athletic  scholarship. Make sure you know where you stand on all of the 7  things every athlete should know about financial aid.
  1. What would you say are the strengths and weaknesses of  your coaches? Be honest, but this is not an opportunity to complain.  The way you talk about your current coaches will tell the college coach a lot  about how they can expect you to talk about them.

Here are some other common questions to prepare for:

  1. Are you working on the mental aspect of your game?
  2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  3. What advice would you give a high school freshman?
  4. How do you feel about playing time?
  5. How do you feel about winning and losing?
  6. What are your interests outside of sports?
  7. What can you offer me that someone else cannot?
  8. Do you want to come here for athletics or academics?
  9. Do you see yourself as a leader? (Hopefully yes – if you honestly  don’t see yourself that way, explain how you’re working on it!)

Last but not least:

  1. What questions do you have for me?

Always, always have questions prepared for the coach. It will show them, just  as much as confident answers to their other questions, that you are serious and  spent time preparing beforehand. You may even want to bring notes.

If you’re prepared, polite, and confident, you can expect to win this game of “20 questions” with any college coach you talk to.

Courtesy of: NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


Posted February 1, 2013

As I was reading one of the many newsletters I receive regarding athletics, recruiting, etc., I came across this article written by a parent impressing how you must take recruiting into your own hands and not leave it up to someone finding you.  I cannot impress upon you if you are not being recruited don’t give up.  Start making calls to the colleges you are interested in and explain to the coach why you would be an asset to their program.  Please read on…………………….

Take Matters Into Your Own Hands

          January 22nd, 2013          – by Chris  Prokop

contract imageWritten by Heather Murphy, parent of soon to be two  committed athletes.

As a mother of a college athlete and a high school senior who is set to sign  a NLI for a DI University in a few short weeks, the best advice I can give to a  parent/student athlete who really wants to compete at the next level would be to  take matters into your own hands. It was NCSA who really explained the role of  the high school coach, parents and student to our family.

My son was hard to motivate when it came time to contact coaches. Sometimes  it ended in argument as I prodded him to sit at the computer to type a generic  introduction email that he could use for any coach by just changing a few words.  We sat in on phone call seminars and spent a lot of time researching sample  introduction letters online.

Although it was hard to motivate him to get started, it was so worth the work  when he would get a return email from a college coach. His lack of hard work in  the classroom limited his opportunities when it came to college choices but as  his senior football season wrapped up he had some visits arranged and got to  tour some schools and their facilities. It was the weekend before signing day  and he was visiting a junior college and thought he could see himself at their  school succeeding in their program.  He had given a verbal to their  coaching staff and stayed the night in the area but by the time he returned home  the following afternoon he had changed his mind. He kept talking about knowing  he could get on the field immediately there but he kept thinking that another  program he’d visited would push him harder and make him the strongest, fastest,  BEST player he could be.

That night a few of his teammates had received calls from the 2nd  choice college and they were delivering NLI’s the next day in preparation for  National Signing Day. A coach never called my son to schedule a NLI delivery. I  encouraged him to call these coaches and let him know he knew he could be an  asset to their team and the real reasons he wanted to be a part of their  program. My son made that call and the recruiting coach said he’d discuss it  with their staff.

The morning before signing day he got a phone call saying they’d watched film  again on my son and would indeed like to offer him an opportunity at their  school. The school received a fax of the NLI for my son and we all watched as he  got to sign with a school HE chose to be best for him. Had he not taken matters  into his own hands and picked up that phone the opportunity to play for a top 25  program could have easily slipped through his hands.

Posted February 1, 2013

National Signing Day is fast approaching……..

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Posted January 28, 2013

What the New NCAA Rules Mean For You

new college recruiting rulesThe NCAA passed 25 of the 26 proposed rule changes on January 19th. The new rules will take effect starting August 1st of this year. I am not going to cover all 26 proposed rules but instead focus on the rules that are going to impact your recruiting the most.

Welcome to the Wild West of Recruiting

The goal of the NCAA president and the membership has been to make the recruiting rules easier to understand and allow athletes more opportunities to communicate with coaches. With all of their new rules they have certainly made it easier to understand, because compared to what the rules used to be, there are no rules!

  1. Any member of the University staff can recruit an athlete. The rule used to be only head coaches and assistant coaches could actively recruit. Now programs will have full-time members on the staff dedicated to recruiting year round.
  2. Programs can have as many staff members as they want recruiting off campus. The old rule limited the number of staff members who could conduct off campus evaluations of recruits (attend camps, showcases or tournaments). All of those rules have been thrown out in favor of allowing as many staff members to evaluate recruits off campus as the school wants.
  3. Coach’s can make unlimited phone calls, send text messages and private social media messages to recruits. Previously coaches were limited to a couple phone calls a month (where they called the recruit, not you calling them) and they were never allowed to text or use social media. With the new rules all of that is gone; it will be the responsibility of recruits and families to set guidelines with the coaches and recruiters.
  4. Universities can send unlimited recruiting materials. In the past, there were obscure rules around when, what and how much mail a program could send a recruit. Those rules have been completely erased and programs are free to send unlimited amounts and types of mail to recruits at anytime.
The Biggest Rule Change Didn’t Even Happen

There was a rule proposed that was going to allow coach’s to begin contacting recruits (outside of just mail) starting June 1st after their Sophomore year of high school. The current rule is, coaches can’t contact you until June 1st after your Junior year. This rule was not passed, which means all of the coaches calling, texting and reaching out through Facebook will have to wait until June 1st after your Junior year of high school.

What This Will Mean for Recruiting and For You

All of the new rules mean there will be more coaches and recruiters out there to discover athletes. This means when you attend showcases, tournaments or combines there is a higher likelihood representatives from the bigger programs will be there and you could get discovered. The downsides to these rules are that programs will start out with much larger recruiting classes because they can evaluate more athletes. That means a school that used to have a couple hundred athletes they were contacting, will be contacting a couple thousand. Because the rules on when coach’s can contact recruits didn’t change, it will still be your responsibility to contact coach’s before your Senior year and make sure that of the hundreds of athletes on their list, you show you are the most interested.

 Information courtesy of


Posted January 17,2013

How to Email College Coaches and Get Noticed

10 years ago when coaches were just getting used to email it was easy to get a response from every coach. You would be able to write an email and they would get back to you in a couple days letting you know if they were interested in you. Now, everyone has email and some coaches get hundreds of emails a day. It can be difficult to break through the noise and get responses from coaches. Below we explain how to use email to contact coaches and get on their recruiting board.

When You Can Email Coaches

You are allowed to email college coaches at anytime, but coaches are restricted in when they can respond to athletes. The key to hearing back from a coach is to include contact information for your high school and/or club team coaches. If you email a college coach before they can write you back, they can respond to your high school or club coach and let you know when to call them so you can talk.

The rules around when a coach can respond to your emails are complex (The NCAA Coaches Contact Rules), but in general if you are not in your Junior or Senior year of high school coaches at the NCAA D1, D2 or NAIA levels cannot respond to you. If you email them and they are interested in you, they will contact your coach and schedule a time for you to connect with them; usually over the phone.

Coaches are busy and receive hundreds of emails each day; you might have to email a coach several times before you hear back from them. If you haven’t heard back from a coach after 5-10 emails and several weeks, you just have to assume they are not interested in recruiting you and find other schools.

What to Email Coaches

Every coach needs to be able to quickly evaluate and contact an athlete who emails them. You want to have all of your academic information, physical stats, sport specific measurements and contact information for you and your coaches. Additionally, if you have a highlight video, get it online and include the link in your email to coaches. Here is a sample recruiting resume you can use for a guide on what to have in your email.

Make Sure Coaches Respond to Your Email

Getting responses from college coaches isn’t a guarantee but there are a couple of things you should do to improve your chances. Have an adult sounding email address; try to use only your name as the email address. Create a brand new email account that you use only for recruiting. When writing the title to your email, include your name, graduation year and most impressive stat about you. This makes it really easy for a coach to know what the email is about. The last tip is to personalize each email for every coach and program. Show the coaches you have researched their program and taken the time to write them a personal email.


Posted December 28, 2012

It is time to fill out the FAFSA( Free Application for Federal Student Aid) on January 1, 2013.  Please visit for more details. 


Posted December 28, 2012

New Year’s Resolution in Recruiting

Like all New Year’s resolutions, you need to be committed to meeting your set goals and aspirations. In any case, your New Year’s goals will take plenty of time to achieve just like your college recruitment. If you are ready to make your resolutions match your recruitment goals then this blog will help you kick-start your 2013 recruitment.

Recruitment and the New Year

The New Year is the perfect time to be wrapping up your recruitment if you are a SENIOR, get organized and create your sports resume and video if you are a JUNIOR, and decide your plan of recruitment if you are a SOPHOMORE or FRESHMAN in high school.

No matter your year in high school you need to always be working on your game skills and grades along with your recruitment. Below you will find New Year’s tips on making sure you’ll be successful during 2013.

Seniors: This year is your time to prepare to sign an NLI with a college you’ve been in contact with. If you have NOT been in communication with coaches, now is a time you can work extra hard to get your name out there and to see if there are any spots still available regardless of an athletic scholarship option.Signing day is just around the corner, so unless you have already committed to a college you may need to start thinking about other options. Student-athletes who still want to be a part of a team, but are too late to earn a scholarship should consider walking- on. Start asking college coaches about walk-on opportunities as you continue to reach out and learn about their 2013 team.

Juniors:  Starting off the year you should be spending time reaching out and contacting college coaches. This is the time in your recruitment when you will need to put the most time and effort into finding the best college opportunities. This year you will be extremely busy with researching programs and contacting college coaches. You need to be updating coaches with all your progress, both on the field and in the classroom the remaining part of this school year.  Remember, some coaches are restricted to talking with juniors until the summer, so do not get frustrated if you have a lot of one-sided conversations from now until the contact period.

Sophomores:  Now that you have a year and a half of high school competition under your belt, you can be concentrating your efforts on learning about the different college division levels and reality checking the type of student-athlete you really are. Not all players are equipped for NCAA division I competition; be open to exploring other division levels and the opportunities those colleges have for student-athletes.

Freshman:  Now that you are in high school and half-way through with the school year, you should begin to think about your future plans. Starting to understand how the recruitment process works, as a freshman is one of the best strategies you will gain as you continue through the process during high school

Information courtesy of


Posted December 28, 2012

Next ACT is February 9, 2013.  Registration deadline is January 11, 2013

Next SAT is January 26,2013.  Late Registration deadline is January 11, 2013


Posted December 24, 2012

The Recruiting Funnel

          June 13th, 2012          – by JC Kibbey

Have you ever heard of “the recruiting funnel”?

College coaches are picky about their athletes. They reach out to a lot, they  talk to a few, and they only ever see a tiny fraction. The best of that tiny  fraction are the ones who get recruited.

Here’s a real-life example: all through high school, there was a football  player named Chris who was on top of the world. He was getting letters from  college coaches all the time and had a lot of interest.

But then junior year came around and his friends around town started to visit  college coaches, and then signed letters, committed to schools and got  scholarships. He still didn’t have one.

What happened?


First: he didn’t know about the recruiting funnel.

Here’s how the funnel breaks down for football: a coach sends around 15,000  letters. They end up watching about 1,000 highlight videos, and call half (500)  of those players. They might make 150 verbal offers and invite half (75) of  those athletes on official visits. Finally, they sign a maximum of 25 players to  play and get scholarships. Other sports work basically the same way.

Chris thought that those letters he was getting meant that he’d have a spot  waiting for him when he graduated. But the fact is that there were 14,999 other  kids getting those same letters! The vast majority of them would never ever get  their highlight video in front of a coach. A letter doesn’t mean anything. Even  a phone call, a pretty big indicator of interest, is no guarantee – only 1 in 20  of the athletes who get a personal phone call from a coach will ever play for  that coach.

No matter where you’re at in the process, keep pushing, because until you  sign your name on that National Letter of Intent, nothing is for sure.

The second problem Chris ran into: he wasn’t proactive enough.Those letters  were an indicator of coaches’ interest, sure. But even if a guy or girl likes  you, you’ll probably never go on a date with them if you don’t go up and talk to  them. College coaches are the same way – they need to know that you’re  interested in them.

So if you get a letter, follow up, call them, let them know you’re  interested. In addition to letting them know you’re serious about playing  college sports, it shows that you’re the kind of person who takes initiative – exactly the kind of person they might want on their team.

If you understand the funnel, and know what you can do to make sure you stay  in it, your chances of playing in college go up a lot. Stay humble – even if  you’re one in a million, remember there are 7,000 people out there in the world  who are just as good or better. You can get ahead with hard work and  determination, but just like in sports, nothing in recruiting will be given to  you or come easy.

Speaking of hard work and determination – when Chris realized what was  happening to his recruiting process, he snapped into action and worked his  behind off. He called and wrote every coach that he possibly could.

“Chris” was Chris Krause, the founder of NCSA. He eventually signed his  National Letter of Intent from Vanderbilt, and now he spends his life making  sure that no athlete misses their chance the way he almost did. Almost nobody  understands the recruiting process right away – but once you understand it,  there’s no excuse not to make the right moves.

Read more:  The Recruiting Funnel – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


Posted December 6, 2012

Why You Need Good Questions to Ask a College Coach on Recruiting

Asking well-informed and thought out questions will help you get recruited.

Too often we see athletes take the wrong approach to contacting a college coach. If you plan on becoming a serious candidate for an athletic scholarship, then when you contact a college coach you must have good questions to ask them on recruiting.

Picking The Right Questions to Ask a College Coach Will Help Show Your Interest

Asking generic questions that you could easily answer with a little bit of research won’t show a coach you are serious. In fact, it may even lead him to believe you aren’t really that interested in his school and you are just going through the motions hoping for any offer that comes your way. That’s not the way to find a scholarship.

Show them you are interested by learning more about their programs and finding questions to ask college coaches that portray your interest. If you sound well informed about a program when you start talking to a coach, he will think that you have taken the time to do some research, which will make him more likely to engage you in a conversation and begin to recruit you.

Developing Your Relationships with College Coaches Helps with Recruiting

And how do you develop your relationship? Find the right questions to ask a college coach on recruiting, their school, and their athletic program. They will naturally ask you some questions about your playing history, grades, and athletic ability; it’s your job to learn more about their program and understand if it’s the right fit for you. Once you begin communicating with a coach frequently, hopefully you will see your relationship start to flourish.

Asking a College Coach the Right Questions Can Lead To a Scholarship

As you continue your communication with coaches, asking them the right questions can lead to the scholarship offer you have been looking for. Receiving a scholarship is all about finding the right match for both you and the program. Asking a college coach the right questions will help you determine which school best fits your needs.

So, What are Some Good Questions to Ask a College Coach on Recruiting?

When asking about their program, it’s best to frame each question to a college coach with as much information about that particular university or sports team as possible. For example, if you are talking to a Syracuse Basketball coach: asking “What kind of athletes do you look for to play in your 2-3 zone” is better than saying “what kind of athletes do you recruit.” Syracuse is notorious for playing a 2-3 zone defense, and be adding that to your question it shows that you have been paying attention to Syracuse’s basketball team.

Here are some generic example questions. Do some research on each program that interests you to expand on these questions and come up with some great ones on your own:

• What kind of academic support system does your school offer athletes? • How many other athletes are you recruiting at my position? • How do athletes at your school split their time between training and academics? • Do you think I meet the admissions requirements to your school? • Where do I fit on your recruiting board? • Are there any academic scholarships or grants that I qualify for? • Do you have any camps, tournaments or showcases you recommend I attend? • What is the best way to update you on my progress? • What does it take to earn a scholarship with your program? • When would be a good time for me to visit your school?


Posted November 23, 2012

Next ACT Test Date

December 8,2012

Registration Deadline: Registration is closed.    Standby Testing request period is open.

Academic Eligibility: Athletes Need to Counsel Themselves

I found this article quite interesting and I know it can happen to anyone.  It is very important that you check your classes against the NCAA approved class list otherwise your eligibility can be in jeopardy. 

The story of Corynne Notz and Calhan High school is a cautionary tale for every prospective student-athlete. Corynne was all set to play her freshman year at Colorado Christian University when the university discovered that two of her courses were not approved by the NCAA. That resulted in Corynne not being certified as a qualifier, and thus not eligible to play as a freshman at CCU.

The reason Corynne was tripped up by the Eligibility Center is a common one. The NCAA’s requirements are not the same as a school’s graduation requirements. Lists of approved courses must be checked and maintained, and documentation with the NCAA kept up to date. Smaller high schools, rural high schools, schools facing budget cuts, and schools that rarely produce college athletes are all more likely to have out-of-date core course lists and less advising targeted at athletes who wish to play in college.

A counselor specifically for athletes who helps select courses, keeps paperwork in line, and communicates regularly with the NCAA is a luxury that is common only in well-funded schools that often send athletes to Division I or Division II schools. For most prospects, they will need to do some of the advising themselves and work with the school to make sure the trip through the Eligibility Center is a smooth one. Here are a few tips:

  1. See who is in charge. Anyone can look up a school’s list of approved courses. On that list are two additional pieces of information: the contact information for the person responsible for updating the course list and the date it was last updated. Athletes should touch base with this person to make sure they are still the NCAA eligibility contact, and to learn what type of services the school or district provides to athletes. This is especially urgent if the list has not been updated in the last year or two.
  2. Check your own courses. While looking at the course list, athletes should check both their transcript and future schedules against the NCAA approved core course list. Be pessimistic when you do this. If a course is even just named differently or has a different number or code, assume that it will not count unless the list is updated. And if you are behind the NCAA’s regular path (four core courses per year, English and math every year) then contact a counselor right away to fix the problem.
  3. Get help to get help. A counselor might be used to athletes and parents who think they are going to Division I but end up not playing college sports. He or she may be less willing to help out. If that is the case, have the coaches who are recruiting you call the counselor, or enlist the help of your high school coach. This will assure the counselor you are being recruited by schools, and you will need his or her help to get eligible.
  4. Stick to the basics. Sometimes even the most proactive student can get little or no help with the NCAA’s initial eligibility requirements. If that is the case, fall back on the simplest, most basic schedule. Take an English course, math course, science course, and social studies or foreign language every single term or year (depending on how the school schedules and awards credits). And stick to standard courses like English 2, or Physics rather than Film as Literature or Astronomy. While those courses often count, they are not always on a school’s approved list, especially one that is out-of-date.

Like it says above, these tips are useful for all prospective student-athletes. Even if your high school has a dedicated eligibility counselor for athletes, check your own progress from time to time. A counselor may think they have the process “wired” or figured out, and may miss changes in eligibility rules, not to mention the admissions requirements for specific schools. “Trust but verify” should be the motto of high school athletes when it comes to their academic requirements.


4 Things You Need to Know About NAIA Eligibility

NAIA Eligibility RequirementsWhat is the NAIA Eligibility Center?

Before a student-athlete will be able to participate in collegiate sports at the NAIA level they will first need to visit the NAIA clearinghouse website and submit their personal information, GPA, test scores, high school transcripts and sports teams’ information.

1. How it works

The NAIA Eligibility Center could be found at Student- athletes must click on the “register here” button to get started. The NAIA needs to know your e-mail, your estimated high school graduation date or your actual graduation date, the month and year when you plan to begin enrollment at an NAIA college, and if you are a first time college student or a transfer student. The eligibility center will have you create a password for your student profile that you will use to log in with and check your status.

Once you receive a conformation e-mail from the NAIA Eligibility Center, you will be able to begin the rest of the eligibility process and complete your student profile.

2. How can I tell if I am eligible for the NAIA?

The NAIA eligibility process is pretty clear you must be a high school graduate and meet two of the following three items:

  1. Minimum score of 18 on ACT or 860 on SAT
  2. Minimum overall high school GPA of 2.0 on a scale of 4.0
  3. Graduate at the top half of your graduating high school class

3. What information will the NAIA clearinghouse need from me?

The NAIA clearinghouse will require potential student- athletes to complete four of the five eligibility sections.

The first section requires athletes to complete their basic information, including address and contact information. Next the athlete will be asked about academics. The academic section includes information about your high school and when your expected graduation date will be. Next will be the sports section, where athletes are required to submit information of the teams or leagues they have played with during and after high school. The importance of the sports section is to ensure that potential student- athletes are amateurs and have never competed on a professional level.

Once all the information is inputted, the athlete will be shown a summary section and asked to confirm all their information. The final or fifth section called “NAIA connections” is a way to assist athletes in getting their name and experience out to college coaches. This section is optional, but recommended.

If you do not have all the information at one time, don’t worry. You will be able to return to it after you have all your login information.

4. The details

The Eligibility Center will also need your ACT or SAT test scores from the given testing site; they will not accept personal e-mails or letters from any source outside of the testing facilities. If you are registering with the NAIA before taking the SAT or ACT, you can enter the NAIA code 9876 directly on your test the day you take it for scores to be sent directly to the Eligibility Center.

Also know that unlike the NCAA, the NAIA only counts test scores for the same testing day; there is no choosing which scores you want to submit from different sections.

The students’ official high school or college transcripts must also be sent directly to the NAIA Eligibility Center.

Remember just like the NCAA Eligibility Center, the NAIA cannot move forward in granting student- athletes eligibility until they have completed all the information and submitted payment of $65 for US students and $95 for international students.


Posted November 22, 2012

It has been awhile since the last posting.  I found this article that I thought would be interesting especially because may athletes use social media to communicate.  Read on……

5 Lessons for Recruits From the Minnesota Gophers’ AJ Barker Fiasco

All recruits can learn from the dispute between AJ Barker and the Minnesota Gopher’s coaching staff.

Junior walk-on AJ Barker, the Minnesota Gophers’ leading receiver, abruptly quit the team this past Sunday, November 18th. His reason for leaving stemmed from a dispute between Barker, head coach Jerry Kill, and the athletic training staff. Barker injured his ankle October 27th while scoring a touchdown vs. Purdue.

The trainers and coaches felt that had Barker followed their instructions he would have recovered from his injury by now and returned to the lineup. Barker feels that the training staff didn’t have his best interests at heart. Barker also claims that Kill has been publicly berating him while privately kissing up to him and telling him how important he was to the team.

Any way you look at it, this situation stinks for both Barker and the University of Minnesota: Barker doesn’t have a team to play for and only has one year of eligibility left. The best case scenario for Minnesota is they lost their best receiver; the worst case scenario is they may lose some recruits due to the bad press.

Lesson 1: The relationship with your potential coach can make or break your college experience

This is exactly why we say you need to spend your time developing your relationships with coaches throughout the recruiting process. If it turns out that you and your coach don’t get along then your college athletic experience can take a serious turn for the worse.

You can get to know potential coaches by talking to them as much as possible while you are still in high school. You can also try to contact some current team members to ask them about the team and coach. Sometimes you can get a better idea of a coach’s personality and style by hearing from the kids who already play under him than you can from only talking directly to him.

Lesson 2: Social media and the internet are not the best places to vent your problems

Barker took to Twitter and Tumblr to explain his position. And what was the result? A 4,000 word rant explaining why he quit. Whether his position is right or not, these types of things can snowball out of control once the internet gets involved. By discussing things publicly, Barker is bringing the media and fans into this mess. Other coaches at schools may hesitate to recruit Barker because they may think he has too much baggage for what he brings to the table; after all, we all know the internet and social media has caused prospects to lose opportunities in the past.

Lesson 3: In most cases you should follow your trainer’s advice

Barker claimed that the trainers didn’t have his body’s best interest at heart, but in his letter he explicitly states that he didn’t always ice his ankle because he didn’t like how stiff it felt after icing it. That sounds like pretty standard advice from a trainer. If you aren’t going to follow their directions, make sure you have a completely clear line of dialogue with them and the coaching staff about why you are uncomfortable following their instructions.

Lesson 4: Barker has more power to transfer because he is a walk-on

Barker can simply say that he wants to transfer because he is a walk-on. Barker does not need a signed release to talk to other coaches. He can start talking to them about transferring immediately (now that he’s off the team). On top of that, he can transfer anywhere he wants and not have to sit for a year, which means he could go to a rival school and play against Minnesota next year.

If you signed a scholarship you will need to get a release from the athletic department just to talk to other coaches. They can also restrict what schools you are allowed to transfer to, and they usually don’t allow you to go within the same conference.

Lesson 5: Don’t quote your mother’s best friend

Barker tells Kill in his open letter what his mother’s best friend thinks about the coach:

He’s an ego-maniacal, self-centered, narcissistic jerk who appears to care about no one but himself, and certainly not AJ’s health. And AJ just happens to be his best player, who he obviously will sacrifice at the drop of a hat

Even if Barker is right in this whole situation, bringing up name calling from his mom’s best friend just looks childish. If you want coaches to take you seriously then you need to act like an adult. Barker doesn’t sound like an adult when he is talking about his mom’s best friend in his letter. Hopefully for Barker coaches won’t avoid recruiting him because of this, but coaches look maturity in the athletes they recruit, and childish behavior like this brings up some serious red flags.

Courtesy of athnet


Posted November 5,2012

Playing the Name Game in Athletic Recruiting

          October 31st, 2012          – by Kerry  Brown

For the past 10 years NCSA has released our annual Collegiate Power  Rankings. The list was created to help student athletes see that there are  great schools who offer athletic and academic scholarships that they do not see  on ESPN during bowl season or March Madness. Student athletes too often get  stuck on the name game during the recruiting process, they only want division 1.  But for years now division 2 and 3 schools have topped our top 100 list.  Division 3 Williams College and division 3 Amhurst have been competing for the  number 1 spot year in and year out. The Power Rankings which are calculated by  averaging the Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup ranking, the NCAA student-athlete  graduation rate of each college/university and the U.S. News & World Report  ranking. The collegiate power rankings based off of the Learfield Sports  Directors’ Cup rating evaluates the strength of NCAA athletic departments, while  the U.S. News & World Report rating recognizes institutions of academic  excellence. The student-athlete graduation rates are based on those provided by  the NCAA. Meaning schools that top the list are not only strong academic  schools but competitive athletically as well.

Every year thousands of student athletes miss out on the opportunity to play  their sport in college because they only want big time division 1.  Wanting  to play big time division 1 is a great dream, less than 1% of student athletes  will earn a scholarship to play at that level. There are over 1700 colleges and  universities that offer athletic and academic scholarships for student athletes  ranging from division 1 down to NAIA and all are very competitive. You need to  be realistic about what level you can realistically play at, make sure you have  an evaluation from a coach or a scout so you can see what level you should be  reaching out too. The recruiting process can be overwhelming and stressful but  having a recruiting game plan and understanding what level you can play at  before starting the process can make it more manageable and more efficient.

Beyond understanding what level you are qualified to play at its important to  understand what type of commitment each level takes. If you play your sport at  the division 1 level you need to be prepared to spend 100% of your energy on  athletics and academics. There is not much of a life outside of focusing on  school and your sport, division 1 athletes will spend their time training,  traveling and at mandatory study hours.  Division 2 athletes will also  spend a lot of time focusing on their sport it is not as much of a commitment at  division 1 but the level of play is still very competitive. Division 3 while  still competitive athletically will have a bigger focus on academics, and your  level of commitment and time spent on athletics will not be as great. However it  is important to note that often times division 3 schools can be much tougher  academically which will mean spending a great deal of time in class and at study  tables. NAIA will offer student athletes a better balance of athletic, academics  and social life, your season will be shorter and traveling will not take up as  much time.

After determining what level you can play at ask yourself how committed to my  sport do I want to be? What level of commitment do I want?  What level of  commitment can I handle while still making academics my number 1 priority?

Read more:  Playing the Name Game in Athletic Recruiting – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog November 5, 2012


Posted November 5, 2012

Physical training is not enough .Under pressure it takes mental toughness skills to step up with confidence and get it done!

90% of competing is mental  Until you shift your thinking from physical to mental, performing under the lights will always be a struggle


Posted October 22, 2012

I found this article to be of interest regarding the Official Visit.  Please read on.

If an institution pays for any part of a visit, it is considered an official  visit. Typically the school will pay for travel, housing, meals and some  entertainment costs.

  • The school is allowed to pay for lodging, transportation, meals, and  entertainment. That includes (1) round-trip transportation (rental car or  airfare) for the student-athlete between home (or high school) and the campus,  (2) you (and your parents) may receive 3 meals per day and (3) complimentary  admissions to campus athletics events.
  • Official visits cannot be made until the opening day of class senior year,  no matter what division. The date will vary depending on your school.
  • The NCAA allows 5 visits to D1 and D2 schools combined.
  • You may only take ONE official visit per institution, no matter the  division.
  • Each official visit may be up to 48 hrs.
  • The NCAA allows each school (DI, DII, and DIII) to offer official visits,  but each school differs in policy and budget.
  • Official visits are not allowed during dead periods.
  • You are allowed an unlimited number of official visits to NAIA & D3  schools.

Who takes official visits?

Coaches usually offer official visits to their top recruits. You must be  invited on an official visit by a coach; you cannot invite yourself on one.

How many official visits can a coach offer?

The number of official visits a college or team can offer depends on their  budget each year. Division I schools usually can afford the most official  visits, followed by Division II schools. NAIA and Division III colleges usually  do not offer paid official visits, even though they are allowed to offer  them.

How many official visits am I allowed to  take?

Per NCAA rules, you are allowed to take no more than five official visits to  Division I and/or Division II schools and you can only take one visit, per  school. There is no limit on the number of official visits you can take at the  Division III and NAIA levels, but you can only take one visit per school.

When can I take my first official visit?

You may begin to take official visits starting the opening day of classes, in  your senior year of high school. You must also be registered with the NCAA  Eligibility Center before you will be able to start taking official visits.

What does it mean if a coach offers me an official  visit?

If a coach offers you an official visit, you are most likely very high on  their list of recruits. Official visits are typically reserved for top recruits.  If a coach does not offer you an official visit (especially at the Division I or  II levels), you are most likely not very high on their recruiting list and you  should look into other options.

How do I set up an official visit?

Coaches will usually extend an official visit offer during a phone  conversation with you, but you do not have to wait for them to make the first  move. It is okay to be upfront with the coach and ask him/her if they plan to  offer you an official visit. Tell them that you are in the process of scheduling  your official visits and you would like to know so you can plan accordingly.  This will also show the coach that you are being seriously recruited at other  places.

How do I know if a coach is offering an official visit vs. an  unofficial visit?

Usually the coach will specify what type of visit they are offering you. If  they don’t specify and they asked you to visit during your senior year, you  should always ask them to clarify what type of visit it is.

Are there any common questions a coach may ask during an official  visit?

Here are some common questions a coach may ask during your official  visit:

What other schools are recruiting you?

Be honest and if possible, list colleges that are comparable to, rivals with,  or better than the institution you are visiting. This will make them want to  fight for you more!

What colleges will you visit?

Be honest and name any schools you have visited officially or unofficially.  If this is the first college you have visited state that you are in the process  of scheduling the rest of your visits.

When can you commit?

If you are visiting your number one choice and feel comfortable committing,  go for it! If you have other visits pending or feel you need more time, tell the  coach you want to take your other official visits, just to make sure you make an  educated decision. Ask the coach, “How long does your offer stand for?” and “When do I have to make my decision by?” You can also explain to the coach that  you need to discuss the offer with your parents, which can buy you some more  time.

Will coaches be evaluating me during a visit?

Yes! Just because you are offered a visit, does not necessarily mean you will  receive a scholarship offer or even a spot on the team. The coaching staff  already has identified you as a top prospect, but the visit gives them an  opportunity to judge your personality, lifestyle and character. Usually, coaches  will make an effort to match recruits up with team members who have similar  personalities and lifestyles. Be yourself, but remember, coaches are looking for  young men and women who will be a positive asset to their university and team  and who get along well with others. At some point during or after your visit,  the coaches will probably ask your host about you, so always be courteous,  positive and respectful.

Is there anything in particular that I should pay attention to while  on my visit?

Make it a priority to get a good feel for the college as a whole. You need to  evaluate the campus, the students, your prospective teammates and the coaches.  Ask yourself, “Is this a place where I can see myself being comfortable and  happy, for four years, even if I could not play my sport?”

Will I be offered a scholarship?

Sometimes coaches make offers during a visit, but this is not always the  case. If a coach does not bring it up, it is okay to ask if you are being  considered for a scholarship or if there are any academic scholarships you  should look into.

Are student-athletes allowed to tryout or practice with the  team?

As an NCAA rule, Division I and Division III schools do not allow tryouts. On  an official or unofficial visit, you may participate in workouts that are not  organized or observed by the coaching staff. Typically, the workout will be lead  by the team’s captains and they must not be designed to test your athletic  ability. Division II and NAIA schools are allowed to conduct one tryout, in the  off-season of your sport, during your senior year.

Are there any times when visits are not allowed?

Yes. There are Dead Periods in which it is not permissible to make in-person  recruiting contacts or evaluations on or off campus. Dead periods generally fall  right before the signing periods.

Read more:  Everything to Know about Official Visits – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


Posted October 20,2012

What’s in a Personal Statement

The first thing you might ask: “What IS a personal statement?” It’s your  chance to show college coaches who you are outside of your academic and athletic  life. It provides an opportunity to show off your character, extracurricular  activities and anything else you would want a coach to know about you that they  can’t get from stats or video.

A personal statement is something you should include in your online  recruiting profiles, including your NCSA profile. You can also use the  information from your personal statement to help formulate introduction  letters/emails to college coaches.

So, what should you include in your personal statement? You can use these  questions as a guideline to help you, but make sure your personal statement is  unique to you. It should highlight what is impressive about you and your  life.

  • What details of your life have influenced who you are?
  • When and how did you become interested in your sport?
  • What have you learned about yourself through playing your sport?
  • What are your academic goals for high school? For college?
  • Have you had to overcome any obstacles to get where you are?
  • What unique characteristics or skills do you possess?

When writing your personal statement, be honest and be personal. Be specific  when necessary. Finally, make sure you use proper grammar and check for spelling  errors. This is your chance to shine and make a good impression on a college  coach, so give your full effort. If you have family or friends who can proofread  your personal statement, that will only make it better.

Read more:  What’s In a Personal Statement? – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog

Posted October 10, 2012

Why You Should  Fill Out Recruiting Questionnaires

  • Help keep your options open: By responding to more schools, the more chances you’ll have to find a scholarship opportunity.
  • Get in the coaches’ recruit systems: Coaches are less likely to pursue recruits who don’t return the questionnaires that they send. Make sure not to miss any opportunities!
  • Get a better gauge of where you lie with coaches: once coaches read your questionnaires, they will determine if they want to actively recruit you. If you start getting more personal attention from coaches at one division level rather than another, then you know where to start focusing your efforts

What to do with Your Recruiting Questionnaire

  • Once you receive the questionnaire: Fill it out with as much information as you can provide. Make sure to keep a record of which questionnaires you fill out and keep a copy if you can.
  • After you have filled it out: Return it promptly to the appropriate coach. Follow up with the coach to make sure they received it.
  • Be Proactive: Many college coaches offer their recruiting questionnaires on the team websites. If a coach hasn’t sent you a recruiting questionnaire in the mail, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance there. Fill it out online to help keep your options open and get in the systems of any school you are interested in.


Five Ways to Tell You Are Getting Recruited By a College Coach

At Athnet, we constantly talk to high school athletes and their families about college recruiting. They always want to know if coach has serious interest in them and what things will tell them they are being recruited. The way a coach responds and acts to these five interactions will help you determine how seriously a coach is recruiting you:

Official Visits

In most sports official visits are offered during an athlete’s senior year (basketball players can take official visits during their junior year). If a coach offers you an official visit then they are showing a very high-level of interest. Official visits cost schools money, and coaches have limits to how many they can offer; they are not going to use official visits on athletes they aren’t seriously recruiting. This doesn’t mean you are guaranteed a scholarship because you had an official visit, but it’s a great indication that you are near the top of a coach’s recruiting list.

Unofficial Visits

Unlike official visits, unofficial visits are visits that are paid for completely by the student-athlete. That doesn’t mean it can’t tell help you determine a coach’s interest level. Has a coach invited you to come on a visit? Is he making a point to set some time aside to talk to you while you are there (if you meet with an assistant coach instead of the head coach, that is ok because coaches are busy)? What was your interaction like after you visited the school?

Answers to the above questions help paint a better picture of the likelihood you get a scholarship offer from a coach. An invitation obviously speaks for itself, but not nearly as much as an official visit invite; since the unofficial visit costs only the recruit and their family, a coach doesn’t risk as much by having athletes towards the bottom of their list on a visit. After your visit if a coach makes a point to actively contact you then you know he wants to recruit you, and you may even get an official visit offer down the road.

Personalized Mail

Simply receiving generic typed messages does not indicate great interest in a recruit. Schools send out mass mailings to hundreds, if not thousands of athletes. Hand written letters from coaches that are personalized are the best indication of a coach’s interest in recruiting you.

Frequency of Contact

Once a coach has seen your highlight video and your recruiting resume or profile, the frequency he contacts you can help show how serious he is. If you are an underclassmen, he may not contact you as much due simply to your age; but if you are an upperclassmen and a coach actively contacts you then you know he has interest.

Sometimes coaches will send questionnaires frequently because they can’t send an athlete anything else. Prior to 11th grade, other than camp information and official university information, a recruiting questionnaire is the only mail a coach is permitted to send, so don’t stress out if you are only receiving questionnaires. Not all coaches send multiple questionnaires to keep in touch with athletes, so just because you aren’t receiving multiple questionnaires doesn’t mean you aren’t getting recruited, but if you are then it is a great sign.

Phone Conversations/Text Messages

How often is a coach setting up phone calls and sending you text messages (when it is allowed based on the recruiting calendar)? If a coach focuses on making sure there are set phone calls with you, or if he focuses on texting you to keep in touch and stay updated then you know that he has interest in you. It doesn’t mean you are number one on the scholarship list, but it’s a great sign and if you play your cards right you may end playing at their school.

Courtesy of Athnet


Posted September 16, 2012

The NCAA has established new eligibility standards beginning with the Class of 2016 but that does not mean you can wait until 2016 as the new standards effect the incoming freshman 2012.  Read on for more information……

(Information courtesy of

The NCAA’s new eligibility standards for prospective student-athletes go into effect for the 2016 class but begin applying to this fall’s high school freshmen. To be eligible for a scholarship and compete at a Division I institution, a high school student must have done the following:

16: Number of core courses required for NCAA eligibility
10: Number of core courses that must be completed by the beginning of a high school athlete’s senior year
7: Number of 10 initial core courses that must be in English, math or science
2.3: Minimum GPA in those 16 core courses (up from 2.0)
2.5: Minimum GPA for junior college transfer

What is a core course?

As part of the NCAA’s new eligibility requirements, high school students must have completed 10 of their 16 core courses prior to their senior year. According to the NCAA, a core course is an academic course receiving high school graduation credit that meets the following criteria:

1. Subject is one or a combination of these areas: English, mathematics; natural/physical science; social science; foreign language; comparative religion or philosophy. 2. Four-year college preparatory course 3. At or above the high school’s regular academic level 4. Algebra I or higher in mathematics 5. Taught by a qualified instructor


According to NCAA statistics:

15.3: Percentage of student-athletes who enrolled in 2009-10 but would not meet the 2016 academic standards
35.2: Percentage of football players who enrolled in 2009-10 but would not meet the 2016 academic standards
43.1: Percentage of men’s basketball players who enrolled in 2009-10 but would not meet the 2016 academic standards.

These are alarming numbers and it is up to coaches, parents and athletes to educate themselves early regarding the new standards.  Don’t wait review information by visiting   (


Posted September 16, 2012

Sport(s)                                        Initial Signing Date                  Final Signing Date

Basketball (Early Period)               November 14, 2012              November 21, 2012

Basketball (Regular Period)          April 17, 2013           I- May 15, 2013, II- August 1, 2013

Football (Midyear- JC Transfer)    December 19, 2012               January 15, 2013

Football ( Regular Period)              February 6, 2013                   April 1, 2013

Track & Field/Cross Country         February 6, 2013                   August 1,2013

All Other Sports ( Early Period)     November 14, 2012               November 21, 2012

All Other Sports ( Regular Period)    April 17, 2013                     August 1, 2013


Posted September 16,2012

Well for some the recruiting process is moving full steam ahead.  And this time can become overwhelming especially with homework, practice, speaking with coaches, as well as planning for official visits.  Well I receive alot of information from various sources and I found this information very usefully and hope you do too.

Juggling High School, Sports and Recruiting – How do you do  it?

          August 29th, 2012          – by Natalie  Pedersen

Going back to school doesn’t just mean more homework! It also means practice  is starting soon and your recruiting efforts get ramped up. So, now that your  days are busy with going to school, and your nights are filled with practice,  homework and recruiting, how do you juggle everything and still find time for  friends, family or simply some alone time with your DVR?

Developing your time management skills will not only help you throughout high  school, but will build skills that you’ll find useful throughout college and  your career. Creating a schedule on a calendar or in a planner will help you  plan out your busy schedule. Here are some ideas to help you.

Start by scheduling events that you know take place each day/week for the  next semester. For example, if you have school from 8-3, put that on your  calendar for every weekday. Just don’t forget to include travel time to and from  school. Next, mark down your practice times, your games and any school events  that you plan to attend.

After you’ve scheduled the events that cannot be moved or changed, start to  schedule timeslots for things like homework, working out or practicing your  sport on your own time. Look at your syllabus for each class and mark down any  important due dates or test dates and then schedule study time before those big  days.

Next, schedule time for your recruiting. Mark off an hour or so each week to  research colleges. Then, another hour to contact or follow up with coaches.  Also, start looking at free days where you might be able to schedule visits to  college campuses. No matter what grade you are in, you should be doing all of  these things for your recruiting, plus more!

Finally, schedule time for yourself and for some fun! Do you friends want to  take a camping trip? Or go see the movie preview coming out next week? Go do it!  Just don’t forget that playing collegiate sports deserves a certain level of  commitment that not all of your friends will be dedicated to. So, don’t let them  pressure you into missing your scheduled practice or homework slots.

Now, here are a couple hints to help you stick to your schedule. First, build  some flexibility into your schedule. Schedule breaks or mark tasks as taking  longer than they actually will so you don’t fall behind. Also, if you have some  extra time left over, you can use that time to get ahead of schedule or make-up  time from something you didn’t get done the another day. For example, if a  college coach calls you during study time, you can’t exactly tell him you’ll  call him later! Feel free to be flexible with your schedule, but be smart about it   Juggling High School, Sports and Recruiting – How do you do it? – NCSA Athletic Recruiting Blog


Posted September 5, 2012

College Coaches Use Social Media for Recruiting

Social media, and mostly Twitter, has entrenched itself in the college recruiting world, and it’s only going to continue to dig in deeper. Social media allows information to travel at basically instantaneous speed, which makes it the perfect vehicle for coaches to learn more about recruits, and vice-versa.

We love to talk about social media at Athnet. We’ve discussed  social media’s increasing popularity before; we’ve even discussed how important it is for athletes to clean up their social media accounts, and ways that athletes can use social media in recruiting.

The Hoop Group, a company dedicated to running basketball camps and helping athletes hone their skills and gain exposure to college coaches, recently published an article talking about the three major ways college coaches use social media in recruiting.

The first way coaches use social media is to educate themselves about current college sports and recruiting news, as well as learn where the best showcase tournaments are going to be held during their evaluation periods. Coaches can easily follow writers and the news outlets that publish information about college sports and recruiting via Twitter. Sports writers represent a very active segment of Twitter users. Coincidentally, sports writers are also one of the sources of recruiting information for college coaches.

Figure out what writers coaches are following, and you can get the same up-t0-date news that coaches receive. This is a great way to learn more about recruiting, and for you to learn what camps and showcases coaches are attending, because we all know that going to a showcase without any coaches in attendance won’t help you get recruited.

The second reason coaches use Twitter is something we have been very vocal about; coaches use Twitter to learn more about potential athletes they want to recruit. There is no way to say this clearer: if you are tweeting about parties or other inappropriate things, you are taking a huge risk and you ultimately may lose not only a scholarship opportunity, but a walk-on chance as well.

Finally, coaches use social media to gather information on their current athletes. Think you’re out of the woods once you’ve made it to college? Think again. College coaches are starting to use social media sites to monitor what their athletes are doing.

Information provided by


Posted September 5, 2012

Athletic scholarships are not fully understood by the majority of athletes and families. We spend most of our time helping you understand what it takes to get a scholarship and flourish in the recruiting process. However, just because you know how to get a scholarship and you might be fortunate enough to be receiving one, doesn’t mean you just blindly sign on the dotted line.

Too many families think that signing for a scholarship means all of their worries are over. For some, that is probably true. For others the scholarship they thought covered every conceivable problem doesn’t, and it often comes with some very big strings attached.

There is a new law in Connecticut and California designed to help families and athletes understand more about what it means when you are signing for a scholarship. Below are some of the areas it covers and what you need to know about them.

Scholarships are one year contracts that need to be renewed – Each year a coaching staff evaluates their roster and scholarship athletes to determine how to use their money for the following year. The majority of the time, coaches renew scholarships. However, it is within their right to pull a scholarship from an athlete if they feel they want to use the scholarship money elsewhere. The new law does not prevent coaches from doing this, but requires that athletes be made aware that this can happen.

You must be released by a school to transfer, and they don’t have to let you – Transferring is one of the touchiest subjects in college sports. If you are a scholarship athlete and you want to change schools and get a scholarship somewhere else, you much get a written release from your current school before other programs can begin talking to you. Your current school does not have to grant you a transfer and often won’t if you are trying to go play for a rival or in conference competitor. The new law again, doesn’t change anything about the transfer process, it only mandates athletes be made more aware of what their rights are regarding transferring.

Not all medical expenses get covered if you are hurt – Each program has a slightly different take on what kind of medical coverage athletes are provided should they get injured. Some key areas to understand when you are signing with a school are what your options for second opinions are, how much are you responsible for on co-pays, and how long does coverage last? The new law mandates that athletes be made aware of these policies, but does not standardize health care coverage for athletes.

The new law is about making sure athletes and parents are more informed about their scholarships has all of the right intentions. As is the case with many laws about making sure people are informed of their rights, I fear the information will get lost in the fine print and largely go ignored. The responsibility of being an informed athlete and family rests on you.

Information provided by


Posted September 4, 2012

On September 1st the NCAA opens the doors on college recruiting for upper classman. For all Junior’s that is the date D1 and D2 coaches can officially begin to send emails, letters and accept your social media request. For senior football players coaches will be allowed to start calling once per week starting Saturday.

This is a hugely important date for college coaches and recruits. To put it bluntly, if you don’t receive any recruiting emails or letter within a couple of days of September 1st you are not being recruited. The longer you wait to be found the less likely it is going to become you get found. For football players, your phone has to ring. If a couple of days go by and you aren’t hearing from a school and you want to hear from, call them; they can officially call you back.

What recruiting have coaches been doing before September 1st?

The question we get a lot is, “if this is the first time a coach can email or call a recruit, how have athletes been getting recruited by these coaches for years?” It’s like we say, you can call, email or visit a coach anytime you want. In addition, coaches have been watching athlete’s online profiles for months and viewing the their updates. For some recruits, a coach may have already had the chance to watch multiple highlight tapes and games films. This makes the decision for a coach to call a particular recruit very easy. If you care enough about your recruiting to be putting in the hard work as a freshman and sophomore and they like the video they have on you, you are going to be the type of recruit they want to contact September 1st.

What to do to make sure you get contacted on September 1st

For the NCAA recruiting might start September 1st, but for serious recruits and the coaches looking at them it starts online. Of course, not all recruiting can be done online but for 90% of coaches, they say that is where it starts. Coaches use email, online profiles and online video to begin identifying and communicating with recruits.

Coaches can receive phone calls and emails from a recruit at any time, even before September 1st. Take the time to introduce yourself and provide some basic information so a coach can figure out if they want to pursue recruiting you.

Information provided courtesy of


Posted August 24, 2012

Sign up for ACT 2012-2013 Today!

Test Date                               Registration Deadline           Late Fee Required

September 8, 2012
August 17, 2012
August 18 – 24, 2012
October 27, 2012
September 21, 2012
September 22 – October 5, 2012
December 8, 2012
November 2, 2012
November 3 – 16, 2012
February 9, 2013*
January 11, 2013
January 12 – 18, 2013
April 13, 2013
March 8, 2013
March 9 – 22, 2013
June 8, 2013
May 3, 2013
May 4 – 17, 2013


Posted August 15,2012

I got to thinking about how one should track all the recruiting information and it reminded me that I had not included that in my earlier post.  What we did was just write in a simple spiral notebook. 

Here is the information we captured so we could ask some of the similar questions to all coaches and also ask some questions presented by coaches to other coaches:

  • Name of University/College
  • Head Coach
  • Assistant Coach
  • Recruiting Coach
  • Telephone numbers of the coaches
  • Location of the school
  • Conference Name and Finish in the Conference
  • NCAA Finish
  • 2012-13 Signees and their event(s) and time(s)
  • Current Roster ( Listing athletes in same event as my child)
  • Times of the athletes on roster during high school and current
  • Date of home visit
  • Date of official visit
  • Information stated in all conversations by my child, us and the coaches
  • We also referenced this book during the home visit so we could recall what was said over the telephone ( Just keeping people honest, recruiting is a business and people will sometimes tell you what you want to hear)

Now this is what worked for us.  Please use whatever method works for you to recall and keep organized during this process.  Good luck and have fun!


Posted August 14, 2012

Last step in the recruiting process is the SIGNING THE LETTER OF INTENT

  • The signing dates for the Letter of Intent for Track and Field is generally the 1st Wednesday in February and ends the 1st day of August.
  • You can receive the Letter of Intent by mail, email or in person while on an official visit. However the college coach can not be present when you sign.
  • If you are under 21, your parent or guardian will need to sign as well.
  • Once you sign your letter you are considered no longer available and other coaches are not suppose to contact you.


Posted August 13, 2012

Really on roll now with recruiting information, I hope you find it helpful.

Things You Should Know

  • You as an athlete can start receiving written recruiting material. i.e. letters, starting September 1st of junior year.
  • You can call the coach at your own expense
  • You can make an unlimited number of unofficial visits
  • College coaches ca call you once a week starting July 1st after your junior year
  • College coaches can make off campus contact July 1st after your junior year
  • Make sure you know recruiting rules ( check out
  • You can make official visits beginning your senior year. You are allowed one official visit per college and a maximum of five college visits to Division I or II colleges
  • College coaches can make evaluations of your athletic skills up to seven times during your senior year
  • You should contact a college you are interested in if they have not contacted you
  • Many coaches create their list of potential recruits based on your performance during your junior year
  • If you are contacted by a coach and you and you are not interested; politely thank them for their interest and time. Don’t waste their time or yours.
  • Lose the shyness. Be prepared to have a conversation with a coach and not just respond with yes or no answers
  • Remember to control the recruiting process because it can become overwhelming and time-consuming


Posted August 13, 2012

( Information courtesy of Dyestat)

Things to do athletically

  • Request a copy of the guide for college bound student athlete. Visit or
  • Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.  This is required for all students wishing to attend a NCAA Division I or II college and participate in sports.  Google NCAA Eligibility Center.
  • Consider a junior college if: your grades and test scores are poor and/or they do not meet the NCAA eligibility.  A the junior college you can improve yourself academically and compete.  Contact NJCAA.
  • Plan ahead for official college visits.  This visit may include contacting the college admissions office.

Things to do academically

  • Get with the person responsible for your schools NCAA compliance. Make sure the classes you are taking meet the core requirements and count toward athletic eligibility.
  • Take ACT or SAT as early as Junior Year
  • Research colleges and majors
  • Keep your grades up even through Senior Year
  • Once you have settled on a college, make sure you know the application deadlines and be prepared to write 1-2 essays as part of admission.


Posted August 12, 2012

As I said in my July post that book I was planning to write has not happened so I decided to continue writing suggestions that might help you through the recruiting process.

Here are some questions we asked during the process as a parent and coach:

  1. What is your coaching philosophy?  You want to know what they believe in regards to coaching style.
  2. Describe your academic support services
  3. Describe your athletic support services ( Trainers, nutritionist, Sports Psychologists, etc)
  4. Graduation Rate for Track
  5. Team’s Overall GPA
  6. How many Academic All-Americans
  7. Describe Transition program for incoming freshman
  8. Is the program a combined one ( men and women – made a difference for me as to the focus of the head coach)
  9. Describe training program ( what does practice look like.  Need to know how much different it is from what you are used to and can assist you with transition from HS to College)
  10. Describe facilities ( age, renovation plans, etc)
  11. Are mentors part of the academic support?
  12. What coach will work with my child? ( The recruiting person might not be their coach)
  13. What is your philosophy around training? ( I wondered did sprinters do long runs and if so why)
  14. How do you see my child contributing to the team?
  15. What is your goal for my child in 1st year, 3rd year, 5th year?
  16. What is it about my child that interested you in recruiting him/her?
  17. What are your feelings about parent involvement, especially during the first year?
  18. What are top degrees chosen at the university?
  19. Are there similarities in degrees pursued on the team ?( Wanted to make sure people were pursuing what I considered worth while degrees)
  20. Explain your team’s chemistry ( Sometimes coaches do not have a pulse on how their team interacts with each other or they promote a little friction)
  21. What does the surround neighborhood look like?
  22. How close is shopping?
  23. What does campus transportation look like, including getting to locations off campus?
  24. How are scholarship renewals handled?

Remember as a parent, coaches are recruiting you as well. They are evaluating social values and interactions to determine if your child will fit well into their program.

Much of what is written says parents should avoid being the one to always communicate with the coach.  While this is true be careful not to expose your child to every coach that is interested initially as it could become overwhelming.  Let your child speak with the coaches so that they know that the athlete is the one interested and can follow-up on things and be responsible.  ( Just control the situation as some coaches can be overly persistent)  Remember to be the parent that has their child’s best interest in mind, not the parent shopping their child around.  Being their agent comes later (SMILE)

Coaches will want to talk with you because they want to see your child through your eyes.  Be careful not to play one school against another one or one offer against another. ( We stayed away from discussing which schools are child was interested in and which schools were interested in our child)

Questions that you as an athlete should consider…………..

  1. How many people are in my event?
  2. Describe the study table requirements?
  3. Describe team meetings?
  4. Describe the housing available?
  5. What’s the preferred degree by athletes?
  6. Are you offering me a full scholarship?
  7. What is the ratio of person(s) that improved their 1st year/2nd year?
  8. What is the ratio of person(s) that turned pro?
  9. How far is dorm from athletic facilities?
  10. Describe team chemistry?

Look up the team and research person’s background in your event.  Determine their improvements, if any, from high school to now.

I strongly suggest that you also prepare questions to ask yourself when you make your official visits.  This will help when you sit down to make your final decision.

  1. What did you like about the campus?
  2. What did you like about what they shared with you about your major?
  3. What did you think of the athletic department?
  4. What did you like about the team?
  5. What did you think of the coach(s)?
  6. What did you think of the facilities?
  7. What did you think of the workout(s)?
  8. Did you feel the Coach was interested in you as a person not just an athlete?

Questions to consider for yourself as an athlete to help in deciding what school is best for you:

  1. How important is athletics to you?
  2. What level of competition are you looking for in college?
  3. Where does athletics fit in your future goals?
  4. What type of athlete am I ( elite, good, average)
  5. What are my grades like?
  6. What do I want out of my college experience?


Posted July 18, 2012

There is always a way to pay for what you want but you have to put in the work.  Everyone will not earn a full ride to college so search for scholarships.

Sign up at or  So many times money goes unused because people don’t want to spend time writing an essay, doing the research and working a little for it.  Get started today.


Posted July 15, 2012

“To whom much is given, much is required.” 

I thought by now I would have written that best selling book about our experience with the recruiting process but I just haven’t gotten around to it.  So here is some information I want to share that might help you in the recruiting process.  It is focused towards track and field athletes but you could use some of the information for any sport. 

Our journey began well before the July 1st date of when college coaches could official contact an athlete about recruiting .  We decided what 10-15 schools she was interested in academically and athletically.  Remember, your child will be a student athlete, not just an athlete and that is why it important that the academic fits along with the athletic. We matched up the academic rankings along side the athletic ranks to see what the best fit for her.  The fit has to be for your child not necessarily for you.

Once that process was over , we entertained all the coaches who contacted us but let me warn you that one mistake I made that I would caution you from making, don’t give your child’s phone number to all coaches until you have narrowed your list to a manageable 5-6 schools otherwise the coaches will be calling and it may become overwhelming. 

Now I needed to keep up with who was calling, what they were saying so I got myself a notebook and wrote the following information:

School’s Name, Head Coach, Recruiting Coach, Conference, Ranking in Conference , Ranking in NCAA. 

In addition to that I made a list of who was on their roster, their year, their event and times.  I also looked at the signees they may have had commitments from. ( We did so that our child would go to a school where training would be healthy competition but not too heavy in sprinters where she would be always competing for a spot instead of focusing on improvement)

Now you might be getting a lot of calls and I warn you to be professional.  What does that mean, well I will tell you.  If you want to go to a school in warm weather and you aren’t open to even entertaining a school in cold climate, then thank the coach for his/her interest but don’t waste their time or yours.  Recruiting cost money.  Thank the coach for their interest in you and tell them if anything changes you will call them. 

Something else to consider in this recruiting process, was when you want to sign.  Official signing is the first Wednesday in February.  We decided we wanted the decision to be completed by December so that the focus could be on senior year both from an academic, athletic and social perspective.  That then requires home visits, official visits to be completed by November.

Now home visits were scheduled beginning in August and ending in November.  We requested that the visits fit our schedule so if weekend work best for you then inform the coach of this so they can try to accommodate.  When they make home visits generally they are coming to see just one person so they get in and get out and hopefully don’t have to stay overnight.   Now during the home visit we served a lite dinner.  Now this isn’t required but a good idea to break bread with the potential coach that you will loan your son or daughter to for the next 4-5 years.  It creates a more relaxed atmosphere and besides you maybe getting off of work and the coach may have been on a flight without lunch.

Now home visits don’t have to be a production.  It is a time for everyone to get to know each other, ask questions and learn about the program and the university/college.  Our home visits generally lasted for about two hours ( now we did include a trip to the training facility, so the coaches could understand how our child trained)

I would suggest that you prepare your questions in advance of the home visit, that your child have questions of their own as well.

More information on the recruiting process is coming………………………………………

Posted June 29, 2012

The One-Stop Resource for Life After High School All the college, scholarship, and career information you’ll need to plan your future!             

Visit College Tool Kit at

Sign up for SAT 2012-2013 today!

Test Date                               Registration Deadline           Late Fee Required

Oct 6                                            Sept 7                                   Sept 21

Nov 3                                            Sept 21                                 Oct 19


Posted June 29, 2012

Sign up for ACT 2012-2013 Today!

Test Date                               Registration Deadline           Late Fee Required

September 8, 2012
August 17, 2012
August 18 – 24, 2012
October 27, 2012
September 21, 2012
September 22 – October 5, 2012
December 8, 2012
November 2, 2012
November 3 – 16, 2012
February 9, 2013*
January 11, 2013
January 12 – 18, 2013
April 13, 2013
March 8, 2013
March 9 – 22, 2013
June 8, 2013
May 3, 2013
May 4 – 17, 2013


Posted June 20,2012

4 Ways Parents Can Help Their Child Get Recruited

There is a lot to know about the recruiting process. Student-athletes already have a lot on their plate; once recruiting is factored in, look out! As the athletes’ #1 supporter, it’s important for you to be there for them. To streamline your efforts here is a quick 4 step guide to taking part in your child’s athletic recruitment:

1. Meet with your child to begin creating their sports resume. Their sports resume is going to be their gateway to contacting and communicating with college coaches. It’s how they showcase their accomplishments and goals during their high school career. You can help with keeping track of their game and tournament results along with special awards and records made. Don’t limit the resume to strictly athletic endeavors; be sure to include academic accomplishments as well.

2. Help them decide which division level will be the best fit for them. This is where student-athletes get caught up, they are usually only aware of NCAA Division I and Division II athletic programs because of their media notoriety. Encourage your child to be assessed by their high school or club coaches. Encourage your athlete to reach out to college coaches at different division levels so they are not limiting their recruiting opportunities. NAIA and NJCAA are other division levels, which have competitive athletic programs where student-athletes are able to earn scholarships.

3. Make time for recruiting. Student-athletes are busy; this is why recruiting gets pushed to the background in terms of priorities. Set aside time at least once a week to collaborate with your athlete to meet and discuss recruiting topics and “To-do’s.” The recruiting process moves quickly, which is why getting a head start on the process as a freshman and sophomore is vital to finding a college opportunity.

4. If there are a number of colleges your athlete is interested in attending then it would be a great idea to take some unofficial college visits. This will give you and your child time to learn more about the college, the surrounding area and the sports program. Just because this is an “unofficial” visit it does not mean the student shouldn’t notify the coach of your plans to learn more about the college and what it has to offer. Planning a trip like this can be instrumental in building relationships with college coaches. Be sure to have the athlete send an email or call the coach to see when a good time to meet with them will be.

Remember, recruiting is a process and takes time. Being there for your athlete and providing the right support and advice will help them reach their goals. If you have any other questions about helping your child with their recruiting process, than leave a comment below or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+!

Posted on June 14, 2012 by This entry was posted in Athletes, Parents, Recruiting and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.


Steps to Follow when Emailing College Coaches

Step 1: Finding coaches contact information

Once you are ready to begin contacting coaches you can begin searching university websites for the needed information. The easiest way to find coaches email and phone numbers is to use our Athnet Database. If you are just looking for one particular school, then search the university athletic page for “staff directory.” Most colleges will have an entire listing of coaching staffs, recruiters and athletic directors in one location on the college athletic website. This is where recruits will need to take notes and keep lists of college coaches emails along with their first and last names – don’t forget to list the college the coach is affiliated with.

Step 2: Filling out New Recruit Questionnaires

While you are getting a better sense of the college through the information listed on the athletic webpage you can also begin to fill out the “Recruit Questionnaire” this is a tool that coaches use to keep track of upcoming recruits that are interested in their programs. Like locating the coaches email information the recruiting questionnaires can be difficult to locate. It’s important to fill out questionnaires before you contact a coach so that they know you are a serious, and not just emailing all programs looking for one to offer you a deal.

Step 3: Creating a Letter of Interest

A letter of interest is essential when emailing college coaches. Student-athletes will need to create a clear, concise and original letter explaining why they want to be a part of the athletic program and what they can offer the team. Here are some tips when you are ready to contact college coaches.

Step 4: Making a detailed Sports Resume

Finding the right college can be compared to finding the right job. And when applying to any job you will need a resume to tell your potential future employer more about you and your experience. Your sports resume will give coaches a greater understanding of who you are and what you are able to bring to the team as far as skill, experience and academics.

Step 5: Video

Make sure that when emailing coaches and attaching video clips that they are easily accessible to coaches. Coaches will not want to download a program or huge files; think of creating a YouTube channel where you will be able to email accessible links to college coaches.

Step 6: Follow-up emails

After you have successfully located all of the coaches contact information, filled out the recruiting questionnaires and sent out your resume you will then need to follow-up with coaches. This will send a message to college coaches that you are serious about their program.

How to Email College Coaches

The 5 “P”s of Emailing College Coaches

Professional EmailYou should always create an email account dedicated specifically to recruiting. Nothing turns away more coaches than seeing high school athletes contact them with email addresses like macdaddy5 or You should create a more professional email name to use to send to college coaches.
ProofreadAnother thing college coaches hate to see if poor spelling and grammar in your emails. Make sure you proofread everything you send to college coaches; this will ensure that you make the right impression!
PersistenceMost college coaches are super busy, which means you may not hear back from them right away. Always follow up your emails so that you know they got your information. Getting recruited is a long process so it’s important to be persistent and regularly contact college coaches.
PromptnessIf you want college coaches to take you seriously, you need to develop a habit of checking your recruiting email every day! College coaches who express interest in you are not going to wait around a couple of months, waiting for you to respond. Make sure to return calls and emails as soon as you can, ideally within a couple of days.
Phone CallsThere is no restriction on how often athletes can contact a college coach, so when email isn’t working, GIVE THEM A CALL! Take a tip from the other “P’s” above and use a phone call for promptness, and persistence!

How to Format/What to Include in Your Email

What your email and sports resume need to include:

Use your full name, address and telephone number

  • Clearly label your high school graduation year
  • High School name, address and phone number
  • Club and high school team information; Coaches full name, phone number and email address
  • Current GPA and your ACT/SAT scores

Remember you only have one chance to make a first impression- Make sure you are prepared, organized and confident in your emails to college coaches.


Posted June 7, 2012

There have been some concerns regarding eligibility and how it is calculated.  Here is a link that I found very useful in determining academic eligibility requirements.  Specifically reference page 6 of the document 2011-12 Guide for the College-Bound Student Athlete


Posted June 5, 2012

Here is some useful information regarding the NCAA Eligibility Center.


Posted June 3, 2012

4 Things You Need to Know About NAIA Eligibility

What is the NAIA Eligibility Center?

Before a student-athlete will be able to participate in collegiate sports at the NAIA level they will first need to visit the NAIA clearinghouse website and submit their personal information, GPA, test scores, high school transcripts and sports teams’ information.

#1) How it works

The NAIA eligibility center is located at Student-athletes will click on the “register here” button to get started. The NAIA will want to know your email, your estimated high school graduation date or your actual graduation date, the month and year for when you plan to begin enrollment at an NAIA college, and if you are a first time college student or a transfer student. The eligibility center will have you create a password for your student profile that you will use to login with and check your status.

Once you receive a conformation email for the NAIA eligibility center you will be able to begin the rest of the eligibility process and completing your student profile.

#2) How can I tell if I will be eligible for the NAIA?

The NAIA eligibility process is pretty clear you must be a high school graduate and meet 2 of the 3 following items:

  1. Minimum score of 18 on ACT or 860 on SAT
  2. Minimum overall high school GPA of 2.0 on a scale of 4.0
  3. Graduate at the top half of your graduating high school class

#3) What information will the NAIA clearinghouse need from me?

The NAIA clearinghouse will require potential student-athletes to complete four of the five eligibility sections.

The first section requires athletes to complete their basic information, including address and contact information. Next the athlete will be asked about academics. The academic section includes information about your high school and when your expected graduation date will be. Next will be the sports section, where athletes are required to submit information of teams or leagues they have played with during and after high school. The importance of the sports section is to ensure that potential student-athletes are amateurs and have never competed on a professional level.

Once all the information is inputted the athlete will be shown a summary section and asked to confirm all their information. The final or fifth section called “NAIA connections” is a way to assist athletes in getting their name and experience out to college coaches this section is optional, but recommend.

If you do not have all the information at one time, don’t worry you will be able to return to it after you have all your login information.

#4) The Details

The Eligibility center will also need your ACT or SAT test scores from the given testing site; they will not accept personal emails or letters from any source outside of the testing facilities. If you are registering with the NAIA before taking the SAT or ACT you can enter the NAIA code: 9876 directly on your test the day you take it, in order for scores to be sent directly to the eligibility center.

Also know that unlike the NCAA the NAIA only counts test scores for the same testing day, there is no choosing which scores you want to submit from different sections.

Students’ official high school or college transcripts must also be sent directly to the NAIA eligibility center.

Remember just like the NCAA eligibility center the NAIA cannot move forward in granting student-athletes eligibility until they have completed all the information and submitted payment- $65.00 for US students and $95.00 for International student.

( Information courtesy of


Posted June 2, 2012

Check out this link.  I found it quite interesting how scholarships are awarded, the money behind them and how DIII schools make away for athletes to compete even though they don’t officially give scholarships.

This link discusses what college coaches are looking for………………….


POSTED May 29, 2012- 

  • The Recruiting Process will speed up fast for Juniors.  The Official date a college coach can speak with you is July 1st. 
  • Be prepared for the process by selecting the Top 10 schools you would like to attend.  Do your research on the school academically and then match that information athletically. Remember you are a student-athlete first and foremost.
  • You can also begin submitting prospective athlete questionnaire to the schools you may be interested in.
  • Have you taken the ACT/SAT?  Visit or for dates and to register
  • Have you registered for the NCAA Clearinghouse? Visit to register.

(Posted MAY 17,2012)

There is so much information to share regarding the recruiting process and i don’t know quite where to start and then suddenly i received this informative email that i thought i would share with you. 
Check out the link below

(This link is intended for informational purposes only.  It is not an endorsement to subscribe to these companies that claim to assist with the recruiting process)


Coming Soon Questions To Ask The Coach